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Michele Bachmann

We all rolled our eyes a little when Tea Partier and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann said she was going to wait for a sign from God to decide if she would run for President. But at least I understood it; it gave her a good way to delay announcing anything specific, drop out for no reason, and still excite some Christians. But, her latest statement is just plain zany: she is requesting that the Lord also intervene to help her with some HR work. 

She says: 

"I am asking your listeners to now please pray for me and my husband and my team," Bachmann said. "Ask that the Lord will give us a special anointing on how to put our team together, who those team people will be, that he would bring those people to us.

Now, I've come to accept that even politicians I like have to play the God card every once in a while to have a shot in this country. However, this is some next-level shit. If she waits for God's help when it comes to staffing, just imagine how many cows she'd ritually slaughter on Mount Rushmore before making a Supreme Court nomination. 

Fortunately, at this point, her likelihood of being nominated is roughly that of Donald Trump. 

Commentarium (9 Comments)

May 05 11 - 1:38pm

Whoooooooooo caaaaares! There cannot possibly be too many whacky republican candidates to suit me, but I sure don't give a flip what they actually do.
Just stay weird and divvy up your party into as many tiny little bits as your strange ego permits, honey.
Go Michele!

May 05 11 - 1:50pm
Appears To Be

She seems to want God to do an awful lot of WORK, doesn't she? And she wants US to pray for HER? Like I have TIME!

May 05 11 - 8:30pm

I thought this God fellow hated women who worked outside the home. Biblically speaking, isn't she trying to take a man's job away from him? Damn Jezebel harlot.

May 06 11 - 11:41pm

Oh please, it's comments like these that really cross the line.

May 07 11 - 8:35am

What? Sarcasm isn't allowed here now?

May 05 11 - 8:40pm
just mike

I think God has better things to do, like making sure touchdowns are scored and math exams are passed.

May 07 11 - 8:35am

And awarding Grammys to rappers.

Jun 29 11 - 12:11pm
Wur Kerr

Given today's job market, it shouldn't be hard for her to find qualified workers who have nothing to lose by supporting an extremist.

Aug 30 11 - 11:40am

Calling all cars, calinlg all cars, we're ready to make a deal.

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