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Michele Bachmann is not too happy with Michelle Obama supporting a breast-pump tax break. She called the First Lady out for running a "nanny state." To which Politics Daily boss Melinda Henneberger tweeted, "isn't breastfeeding anti-nanny?" Which is what I was thinking. Said Bachmann on Laura Ingraham's show:

"I've given birth to five babies and I breastfed every single one of these babies. To think that government has to go out and buy my breast pumps for my babies. You wanna talk about the nanny state? I think we just got the new definition of a nanny."

Last week the good ol' IRS said they would reclassify breast pumps as medical-care purchases with the attendant medical-expense deductions. They pointed out that breastfed children were less likely to end up overweight, something we know Mrs. Obama is down with.

Bachmann also added (establishing those teabagger bona fides) that Mrs. Obama's actions were "very consistent with where the hard left is coming from... for them, government is the answer to every problem."

Obama Communications Director Kristina Schake explained, "Breastfeeding is a very personal choice for every woman. We are trying to make it easier for those who choose to do it."

Commentarium (5 Comments)

Feb 17 11 - 2:23pm

Children are so expensive to raise, I think new parents should get all the tax breaks the government can give them.

Feb 17 11 - 2:40pm

So... the conservative leader of the tea party in the U.S. House thinks that tax rebates are a bad idea if a Democrat suggests them. It's impressive that hatred for the president is enough to trump even the anti-tax idoltry of these people.

Feb 17 11 - 3:25pm

So Bachman thinks we should tax breast feeding? Hooray for small government!

Feb 17 11 - 3:34pm

Tax everything, including the amount of mild a mother dishes out to her offspring.

Aug 29 11 - 10:59pm

You coldun't pay me to ignore these posts!

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