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Mitt Romney blasts Santorum, Santorum-voting Democrats

santorum and romney

Some Michigan liberals are voting for arch-conservative Rick Santorum in the GOP primary because he'd make a weaker candidate in the general election. And the Santorum campaign has welcomed the effort, even calling Wolverine State Democrats and encouraging them to vote against... uh... everything they cherish.

Naturally, Mitt Romney — terrified of losing his home state — is unhappy about this. He calls it a "dirty trick" and a "new low," and told supporters, "we don’t want Democrats deciding who our nominee is going to be, we want Republicans deciding who our nominee is going to be."

The Democratic consultant who planned the sabotage tactic hopes for 12,000 blue Santorum votes. Rush Limbaugh orchestrated a similar scheme, "Operation Chaos," during the 2008 Democratic primary. So Michigan Democrats might want to ask themselves two questions:

1. Do I really want to follow in Limbaugh's (crater-like) footsteps?

2. Do I really want to risk a .01% chance of President Santorum?

A last-minute scandal or economic tailspin in November could lead to a Republican victory, in which case liberals and moderates would prefer four years of Romney — a soulless jerk, yeah, but a sane soulless jerk — to a nut who wants to puke whenever he reads the First Amendment.

Then again, Romney himself voted in a 1992 Democratic primary "for the person who I thought would be the weakest opponent for the Republican." Karma is a Rick.

Commentarium (2 Comments)

Feb 28 12 - 4:58pm

This tactic is pretty gross and undemocratic. Not a fan.

Feb 28 12 - 7:27pm

Then what's keeping the Michigan Republicans from changing the rules and requiring voters to be registered Republicans? That's the rule in New York -- you must be a party member to vote in the primary. Like every other misfortune, the Republicans brought this one on themselves.

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