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Rick Santorum

He may have had a good day yesterday, beating out Mitt Romney in both Mississippi and Alabama, but Rick Santorum also embarrassed himself in delightful fashion when his campaign accidentally sent out an email to journalists announcing the candidate's "pubic" (rather than "public") schedule. 

Coming from a man who seems to want full control over all things "pubic" in America — and who would probably prefer we not be allowed to even use or learn the word to begin with — this is just the best possible typo. And I'm not alone: one Huffington Post reporter tweeted, "The immature giggles at Huffpost DC over Santorum's 'pubic schedule' typo are really amazing." 

Of course, this won't actually make any kind of difference for his campaign, and probably won't give us any insight into what exactly it is that Rick Santorum does with his pubis, or on what kind of schedule. Whatever, it's still great. Apologies if you expected there to be a bigger point or a "mature" angle to this story. There isn't one.

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