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Sarah Palin was in Pella, Iowa on Tuesday, checking out the premiere of the new documentary about her, The Undefeated. The film is more or less a hagiography, but it opens with an anti-Palin montage of various celebrities verbally spearing Sarah Barracuda, with David Letterman calling Palin "slutty," Bill Maher making his "dumb twat" comment, Madonna yelling "Sarah fucking Palin" at a concert, and Matt Damon (a Team America: World Peace casualty himself) likening Bristol's mom to a "really bad Disney movie."

Palin was predictably not amused by these utterings of godless Hollywood, and asked The Hollywood Reporter,

"What would make a celebrity like you saw on screen, so hate someone that they'd seek their destruction, their death, the death of their children? What would make someone be so full of hate and, I guess, a sense of being threatened that they would want to see that person destroyed?"

Maybe if Palin took five minutes away from being in front of a camera she could sit down and figure out why such a publicity-starved gubernatorial drop-out would provoke such a reaction. Perhaps she and Todd could mush away from the madding crowd for a two-week dogsledding trip in the middle of Alaska. Like, way out there.

Commentarium (13 Comments)

Jun 29 11 - 1:40pm

I don't know. What would make somebody want to shoot wolves from helicopters?

Jun 29 11 - 2:09pm

What would make someone seek the highest elected office in the land in order to impose his/her morality on everyone?

Jun 29 11 - 3:24pm

The Left is as much to blame as the Right for making her a celebrity. I suppose in some ways celebrity is interesting in and of itself. But, Palin is really a rather boring person. Why would anyone bother to say anything about her, good or bad? She is irrelevant, but to a small group of people on the Right and a small group of people on the Left. I stopped watching MSNBC because I got tired of them talkign about her allthe time. I really have no interest in knowing what stupid thing she might have said today.

Jun 29 11 - 4:03pm

Who's calling for her death or the death of her children? I've seen -- and written -- some scathing criticisms of Palin, but jeez, I don't wish death on her, and certainly not on her children.

Jun 29 11 - 7:47pm

Hell no, I just want to have sex with her.

Jul 18 11 - 5:17pm

I'd fuck her, but I'd never vote for her.

Jun 29 11 - 9:59pm

Why does the press persist in calling this vanity production a "documentary"?

Jul 18 11 - 5:18pm

'Cuz she's fuckin' hot, dude. Wouldn't you slip inside of her?

Jun 29 11 - 11:06pm

Pass the haterade - I am in

Jun 30 11 - 12:22am

Is it just me, or is she starting to look like Michael Jackson ?

Jun 30 11 - 3:40pm

That's gotta be a poof in the photo, right? Can she actually make her hair that big? That's fucking magical.

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