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Tea Party protesters

Just in case you thought the Tea Party was dominating American politics (given the media's obscene coverage of corndog-eating candidates at county fairs) we can assure you that you're wrong. According to a new New York Times poll, the ultra-conservative political party ranked dead last among twenty-three groups in terms of popularity. Among the less-despised: atheists and Muslims, two groups Tea Partiers are most likely to rail against. 

This marks a steep decline in popularity. As of April 2010, twenty-one percent of Americans approved of the Tea Party while eighteen percent disapproved of it. Now, twenty percent approve while a whopping forty percent disapprove of it. It'll be interesting to see how these numbers evolve as the 2012 presidential election nears. Perhaps the world will be safe for Earl Grey drinkers who don't want to be plagued with a political stigma, once again.

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Comments ( 25 )

Aug 17 11 at 7:26 pm

Except The New York Times, I assume, polls its own readers, so this is probably pretty biased.

Aug 17 11 at 8:35 pm

Except me, I assume, who pulled that biased piece of shit right out of my own ass.

Aug 17 11 at 10:11 pm

Uh ... sure. It's biased of me to point out that The New York Times has a skewed readership (specifically, more liberal than average), so its polls aren't scientific or statistically valid.

I'm a liberal atheist, and I'm just as against the tea party as everyone else reading this site; however, I don't let my personal bias cloud the fact that this survey, like every survey done by a news media company, is bullshit.

Aug 18 11 at 12:23 am

Besides, I know for a *fact* that the poll was done using only NYTimes readers.

*my imagination*

Aug 18 11 at 12:58 am

Hm, I think you're right, actually. I just did some research into the NYT poll process, and it's actually a lot more objective than I thought it was.

Funny thing about the Internet is people leap to conclusions without knowing the facts. Sorry about that.

Aug 18 11 at 2:14 am

Me me me me!!

Aug 18 11 at 2:46 am

Another funny thing about the Internet (and this site in particular) is how easy it is to change your name and appear to be someone you're not, thus "confessing" to something you in fact do not believe.

Aug 18 11 at 12:58 pm

Actually, I don't really believe that. Never mind!

Aug 18 11 at 3:32 pm

jeez, leave the poor kiddo alone

Aug 17 11 at 8:48 pm

It's easy to understand why the Tea Party is now less popular than atheists. The very article has at its title: "Tea Party" and then "atheists". The opposites are obvious to notice.
I am an atheist and i am a republican, true... inclined to the democratic side in some political aspects.
Fact is the vote for Tea Party candidates has been moved by mass histeria into supporting "anti-democrat" candidates in the latest years. I call it stupid histeria, because very few top republican candidates show any hint of cognitive capacity to understand basic history, science or philosophy. The voters have been moved by their ignorance about the future and differences.
If the candidates, the congress, the senate are to be representative of the people that vote for them... I think Sarah Palin and other of the sort mentally challenged- like republican leaders make me to both laugh at the stupidity and at the same time be scared of the future.
I fear when all the troops come back from Iraq and other war scenarios, that's when americans will start to fight among themselves due to a lack of a common goal to unite all.

Aug 18 11 at 1:00 am

That damn "histeria" is killing people. Oh, hold on, that listeria that's killing people.

It's good you're laughing at other people's stupidity. I hope it's working for you.

Aug 17 11 at 8:52 pm

Man, I can't believe atheists are near the bottom of the list. It's all the militant, shitting-on-religion ones that give us a bad name.

Aug 18 11 at 10:44 am

Well, and all the baby-eating...

Aug 18 11 at 3:35 pm

I want my baby back, baby back, baby back ribs.

Aug 17 11 at 9:18 pm

As a democrat and former Obama supporter I don't see the point of this.
We voted for Obama to END THE WARS, instead he has started YET ANOTHER WAR.
So much for change. Bashing Palin or whoever won't stop the body bags being flying in daily from America's three wars.

Aug 17 11 at 9:33 pm

amen brother

Aug 17 11 at 9:48 pm

You obviously weren't listening to Obama's campaign speeches.

Aug 18 11 at 1:01 am

You can completely ignore the Tea Party; they are powerless. They will have no more effect on the 2012 elections than they did for the 2012 elections.

Aug 18 11 at 1:11 am

I assume you mean the 2010 elections in your second reference, in which case they had ... some effect?

Aug 18 11 at 1:40 am

damn it...than the 2010 elections.

Aug 18 11 at 2:10 am

Isn't it kind of funny that you had just made fun of someone for a typo?

Talk about hipocrisy!

Aug 19 11 at 10:51 am

I <3 Jo

Aug 18 11 at 12:18 pm

hahahahaha awesome

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