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Hooksexup recently reported, as did most of the internet, on the alleged detaining of "gay girl blogger" Amina Arraf in Syria. Many expressed concern for the brave, queer, multinational girl who wrote passionately and eloquently about government repression and life as a lesbian in one of the least gay-friendly nations in the world. But new facts have come to light that suggest Arraf might not be who she says she is, and more to the point, might not actually exist.

First of all, virtually every photo said to be of Arraf (including the one you see above), has been proven to be of a London woman named Jelena Lecic, who Arraf has been using as her double for a while now. She has pictures of Lecic on her own Facebook page and apparently sent that photo to the Guardian when she was up for an interview with them, which she later turned down.

Which leads us to the second point — the fact that literally no one has ever clapped eyes on this girl, or even spoken to her in person, including her Canadian girlfriend, with whom Arraf had an email-based relationship.

In fact, every time Arraf has been up for a meeting, something has gone wrong — once she called a meeting off because she claimed to have been tailed, and another Skype meeting was canceled because of the government's alleged block on the program.

Finally, Arraf has admitted to mixing fact and fiction on a different blog, writing: "This blog will have what may sometimes seem likely [sic] deeply personal accounts. And sometimes they will be. But there will also be fiction. And I will not tell you which is which."

Though admittedly still in the making, this story has a brilliantly skewed sort of arc to it: someone invents a too-good-to-be-true blogger from a repressed nation (a lesbian! an outspoken lesbian!) and then conveniently disappears her. Of course, that's the jaded view — these are all steps that a persecuted minority and outspoken dissident could rationally take to protect her identity, and since Arraf may well be an actual woman in Syrian custody, we shouldn't jump to conclusions. But I would rather have this turn out to be an elaborate construction than have a real woman in the custody of some very bad people.

Commentarium (16 Comments)

Jun 08 11 - 7:31pm

Lonely Multinational Girl, the Series

Jun 09 11 - 12:48am
Occam's Razor

--- Of course, that's the jaded view — these are all steps that a persecuted minority and outspoken dissident could rationally take to protect her identity. ---

I don't buy it. In the real world version, the woman concerned wouldn't have an issue (& noone could possibly take issue with her for...) saying I can't supply my photo for obvious reasons. I notice this liar didn't choose a plain or ugly fake pic to fool people with. I wonder why? This woman (if indeed she is a she) had no reason to supply a fake pic, and she's actually dumb enough not to realise by doing so up front that she was undermining EVERYTHING ELSE that would follow from her. Someone has obviously never heard of the little boy who cried wolf.

Jun 09 11 - 9:31am

"She lives in Canada... I met her in Niagara Falls."

Jun 09 11 - 6:48pm
Sal M

Gov't lies, yet another violation of our rights. Add it to the list of gov’t violations of our rights:
They violate the 1st Amendment by placing protesters in cages, banning books like “America Deceived II” and censoring the internet.
They violate the 2nd Amendment by confiscating guns.
They violate the 4th and 5th Amendment by molesting airline passengers.
They violate the entire Constitution by starting undeclared wars for foreign countries.
Impeach Obama, vote for Ron Paul.
(Last link of Banned Book):

Jun 10 11 - 6:30pm

I see the Mossad disinfo squad is here. Try living without USA money, scumbag.

Jun 09 11 - 11:28pm

The latest news is that Gaddafi is raping anyone and everything in sight. The "palace" of Gaddafi resembles with a 18'th century bordello, there is semen in there to repopulate the whole planet with little Gaddafis. According to a witness you can't walk in there, there is not one inch of the place that is not covered with semen, guests normally approach the door and slide like penguins towards Gaddafi's feet. It is for this reason and this reason alone that the "world" ( which apparently means the US England and few islands that nobody has ever heard of), and the danger of facing a world repopulated with little Gaddafis, that the most pious of all man and leaders of this "world" Sarko, Obama, and all, are attacking Lybia and probably Syria too, purely out of their generosity and compassion for the world and the womankind.
On another news Lady Gaga has three boobs, visit our facebook, twitt us, email us, and remember Youtube yourselves.

Jun 10 11 - 9:14am

what the hell just happened?

Jun 10 11 - 6:45pm

Yes, once again highly paid disinformation vommiters, like QLineOrientalist, are puking their LIES.

The "gay girl" is just another in a long line of highly paid LIARS, if she exists at all, which she probably doesn't.

Just another sign of the incredible fear that that that the hoar establishment has for the truth.

Jun 11 11 - 6:01am
maggie kaye

So if someone discovered who she is, Jewish girl in Georgia, etc, then why not take some pictures and expose her?

Jun 11 11 - 8:34am
Bruce Majors

Good question Maggie.

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