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Tea Party Protesters

As attitudes change about same-sex marriage across the country, the Tea Partiers have jumped on the bandwagon. Or so it would seem, if you watch this video of Tea Baggers at a protest in New Hampshire answering the question, "Have you noticed a change in the state since they passed the gay-marriage law?" Think Progress polled the crowd at the protest and got some surprising answers; nobody seemed to care at all that same-sex marriage was legal in their state. One protester went as far as to say, "Love is love." This coming from a group that came out eighty-two percent against gay marriage in a University of Washington poll done just last year.

What's interesting is that small, un-intrusive government — the Tea Party's central tenet — and staying the hell away from decisions made by two consenting adults go pretty much hand in hand. And yet, while this is refreshing to see, I'm not getting carried away. The vast majority of Tea Party "Patriots" are still firmly against gay marriage, and even if that's changing, the leaders of the movement are certainly vocal in their opposition. 

Which is a shame. I never thought I'd say it, but I hope that someday soon Tea Partiers everywhere will share the attitude of these few gentlemen. Ironically, it'd move us one step closer to their professed goal of returning this country to greatness.

More About gay marriage

Comments ( 6 )

Apr 25 11 at 4:44 pm

Like any other political association, the Tea Party is not a monolith, and the New Hampshire members here are without a doubt more liberal than if a similar video was made in Alabama.

Apr 26 11 at 8:59 pm
just mike

If I'm not mistaken, New Hampshire is one of the more Libertarian-minded states when it comes to government. So, I'm not sure it's the liberalism as much as the government-out-of-my-business attitude.

Apr 25 11 at 9:13 pm

I don't think it's so much that the views are changing but that the party is getting bigger as more people realize smaller government is a brilliant idea.

Apr 25 11 at 11:33 pm
Shrink Rap

What parts of big government do the Tea Party want to see reduced? Social Security? Medicare? Medicaid? Defense? Homeland security? Debt service? The roughly 10% that's none of the above? I wonder.

Apr 26 11 at 10:18 am

It's too easy an answer but I'd say all the above.

Apr 27 11 at 11:02 pm

It's very disappointing when people who have been smeared as bigots fail to live up to that label. Could it be that Tea Partiers simply believe the Country should take a different course?

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