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Boys fishing shirtless

This bizarre video of behind-the-scenes "grassroots" efforts by the Tea Party is going viral today, mostly thanks to Mother Jones and Twitter. In other words: those who don't like the Tea Party, don't know what the Tea Party is or who have no intention of voting are all laughing hysterically at this silliness.

The opening minute features slow-motion video of old men who fly planes and it's about as "cool" as Dick Cheney dancing. Goose is rolling over in his grave at the use of the Top Gun theme song -- ouch.

Fun games you can play while watching this nine-minute masterpiece: 1) Spot anyone under 40; 2) Spot any Hispanics; 3) Spot the two shirtless boys on the fishing pier... he-llo homoeroticism!

Oddly enough, the video interviews with the regular folks making up the movement make these people look halfway normal... but as someone who has been on the ground at rallies listening to their speeches and eavesdropping on their conversations, I can safely say they are not very representative as the Tea Party as a whole.

The guy who thinks he's going to catch or prevent someone from "bringing in a box of absentee ballots"? That's the kind of guy I'm talking about. Where was this guy when the Diebold CEO said "I am committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president [George W. Bush] next year''? I take it he only found out about voter fraud from that fake video some jerk made about ACORN.

Comments ( 4 )

Oct 29 10 at 4:44 pm

I'm hoping they'll all be dead in 20 years - or sooner. Voter fraud? There's been like 10 cases. Who the hell tells these people that there's massive voter fraud? Praise de Lawd and pass de ammunition, mutherfuckers, because these people will eventually figure out that they voted to end social security, medicare and medicaid for seniors. Hang that guy speaking Mexican. Overall, quite a spritely crowd, wouldn't you say?

Oct 29 10 at 11:44 pm

They must have edited out the TPers who were planning to head stomp members.

Oct 30 10 at 8:59 am

Looks like a grey haired old whites man's club. Yes, I'll be one of those days but hopefully I'll be smarter than these idiots! I would never trust a political party that won't tell you it's views on ALL the issues, and if the don't have any views on ALL the issues they just not ready to be in office.

Mar 10 11 at 11:17 pm
The Mad Zak

This is a good example of how fucked up these people are. They think they need poll watchers because there is a huge threat of voter fraud by the Democrats. Don't they know that the greatest example of probable voter fraud was when Bush stole the election in 2000? This is how they operate: They are the ones committing the political crimes, but they are also speaking the loudest for God, America, and apple pie.

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