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Abed Nadir is a jack of many trades — he's a student at Greendale Community college, a freelance superhero vigilante, and a writer for Variety. (Just so we're clear, he's also a fictional character on the show Community.) With the Emmys coming up, "Abed" has written an in-depth analysis of the pattern of Emmy winners since 1954, chocking up every success to a sequence of ABBA. He asserts:

The "ABBA" pattern emerges soon and repeats often, as people's urge to shake up a system always results in systemic shaking. I totally get it: I once missed a week of school by trying not to touch my chin 7,000 times. The stretches of non-ABBA you see are "cable scares," like when we just kept giving Emmys to Frasier until "Larry Sanders" went away. Think of TV as Rain Man getting through HBO's smoke alarm by chanting "I like the guy from Cheers."

Since HBO is currently scaring nobody, we have to assume we're one "B" into an ABBA, specifically the second in a classic '61 double-ABBA, with 30 Rock as "Phil Silvers" and Modern Family as "Jack Benny." I probably don't have to explain this."

Look, if you're into Community, you will get it, and love it. If you're not, you probably won't understand. But why aren't you watching it? Come on, it's free on Hulu and way better The Bachelorette or My Fat Baby or whatever other summer programming is on right now.

Comments ( 3 )

Jun 08 11 at 11:18 am

That dude should guest on SNL this week as Anthony Weiner. "Dick in a Tweet" anyone?

Jul 21 11 at 10:45 pm

Gee whiz, and I thohgut this would be hard to find out.

Jul 22 11 at 9:39 am

I am foevrer indebted to you for this information.

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