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Drunk driving reality show coming to TLC

Moving ever more swiftly away from the name "The Learning Channel," TLC has picked up the reality TV series D.U.I., which, as you can probably guess, follows people getting pulled over and arrested for driving while drunk. Basically, it will be like COPS but with fewer high-speed chases and more broken lives filled with quiet desperation. I have to assume, though, that not every person they pull over will be drunk — that would rob the show of all the tension. (And maybe during sweeps they can get a crack addict or two?)

But I know what you're thinking: "James, shut up already and show me a video preview of what is obviously my new favorite show! (Sorry, Animal Hoarding, you're bumped down to number two.)" Well, ask and you shall receive:

Quick poll! Which of the following will be more uncomfortable for you, an intelligent TV consumer, to watch: D.U.I., 19 Kids and Counting, Sister Wives, or Toddlers and Tiaras? The answer's probably irrelevant, but TLC should think hard about the fact I could even ask that question.

Commentarium (7 Comments)

Nov 08 11 - 6:07pm

19 Kids and Counting or D.U.I. The other ones a good what-if scenario.

Nov 09 11 - 8:12pm

Most of the television programing is smut at best allready, are we going to get an reprieve soon? The mental illness that we suffer in this country is an crime, and television just does not help mutch.

Nov 17 11 - 12:48pm

it's simple supply and demand. A network's programming is based almost entirely on ratings and focus groups. You can't blame TLC for knowing the kind of crap that America wants to watch.

Nov 20 11 - 11:38am

Yup, that shloud defo do the trick!

Nov 21 11 - 1:44pm

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Nov 24 11 - 1:21pm

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