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We only get a short look at Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin in this first trailer for the upcoming HBO TV movie Game Change — well, no, that's not actually right. We get a lot of looking in at her shapely legs and smartly cropped jackets, but we only get to hear Moore's performance for a moment. (Sly commentary on what many saw to be an emphasis on Palin's looks over her campaigning skills? Or not-so-sly commentary on Julianne Moore's well-established attractiveness?) But don't let the little details stop you from comparing her interpretation to the most well known pseudo-Palin of them all, Tina Fey.

Here's the trailer, which also features Ed Harris as John McCain and Woody Harrelson as Steve Schmidt:

Here's an SNL skit with Fey as Palin:

And, finally, here's a clip of the former Governor herself:

I know that Fey is meant to be over the top, but at the moment I think I'm going to give her the prize. She manages to capture a certain manic energy that Palin often has when speaking. Of course, Moore will have a much more substantial chance to win the title of Best Sarah Palin Impression back this March when Game Change premiers. Do you think she can beat Fey?

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Dec 21 11 - 7:50pm
HipHop Hippo

Fey's bone structure is slightly more Palin-esque, but Ms. Moore's make up and brief portrayal were pretty comparable. I doubt her performance, however talented, will be as wildly entertaining...Palin plays better as parody for most. But she did capture the character, at least surface wise.

Dec 22 11 - 11:24am

I think that's the challenge for Moore, to play Palin straight. Her public persona is cartoonish, and it would take a very good actor to show her as a real person.

Dec 22 11 - 8:49am
Pay Lin

Can Ms. Moore see Russia from her house?

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