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The local Fox affiliate in Houston recently aired a news segment — after the "Born This Way" episode of Glee, natch — that asked the truly burning question, is TV too gay? The piece addresses the rise in gay characters on TV overall, but specifically mentions that the preceding episode of High-On-Poppers School Musical features two — two — same-sex couples, which means the characters probably aren't eunuchs like we all hoped and may make out or fuck or something. The debate was handed over to the American Family Association's Bryan Fischer and gay-rights activist Ray Hill, and you can watch the whole thing right now:

Is TV Too Gay?:

(The best part, in case you're curious and lazy, is when the anchor compares gays on TV to product placement: "You throw a soda in a movie, and within a few seconds everyone in the theater is thirsty for that particular brand." You hear that, men? One moment you're watching Brothers & Sisters, the next you're on your knees at the nearest bathhouse.)

As the flowers follow the rain, GLAAD is now asking for the station to apologize, which the station should do A) because GLAAD's right and B) because it's easier than dragging this shit out. Honestly, this is the sort of story that makes me wonder how often people are drunk at their jobs. It's bad enough to even ponder the question in your mind, but to actually ask it out loud? That's just stupid.

Tags Glee

Commentarium (36 Comments)

May 04 11 - 12:24pm

propoganda??? wtf yeah right... people like what they like, i'm pretty sure a tv show about high schoolers isn't going to change that..

May 04 11 - 12:46pm

I wouldn't say TV is too gay, but it is pretty gay.

May 04 11 - 12:54pm

Oh really? Can you tell me then just how straight is TV? Too straight? Pretty straight? Not straight enough?

May 04 11 - 1:45pm

I'd go ahead and say, straight as a board, Dan.

May 04 11 - 1:47pm

It really depends on the individual show. Like I said, Glee is pretty gay. Grey's Anatomy is at the second highest level of gayness. 30 Rock is definitely bi, and Community is a little bicurious. Two and a Half Men is seemingly straight but really just overcompensating. NCIS and CSI used to be straight, but they've had some problems getting it up lately. And American Idol is asexual.

May 05 11 - 1:44am

Oh I just realized my comment might have sounded like I didn't think that tv is straight enough. I agree with you, Kaye, one hundred percent. That's why I was bothered by Me's comment that tv "is pretty gay." I mean, c'mon, the fact that a few shows have some same-sex couples does not mean that tv is gay. Next time you think that, Me, sit down and count the number of straight couples on tv.

May 05 11 - 1:47am

Me, after reading your comment I have to ask: are you being tongue in cheek? Because if you are then I JUST got it and it rocks. Phenomenal. Sorry if I misunderstood before.

May 05 11 - 3:49am

Really? After reading that comment, you had to ASK if he was being tongue in cheek? Check yourself into the nearest sense-of-humor rehab center ASAP.

May 04 11 - 12:51pm

Are people not allowed to ask questions anymore because they might threaten your insecurities?

Here’s a novel idea: why not simply answer the question. You can answer by saying no, TV isn’t too gay. But saying that they don’t have the right to even ask the question makes you the extremist.

May 04 11 - 1:19pm

Oh lord. Nowhere did I say that people don't have the right to ask the question "Is TV too gay?" Obviously they do, since Fox Houston did it and no one had been jailed or fined or dragged into an unmarked van. That doesn't mean I can't critique or criticize the question itself -- which I do, because I find it both offensive and actually stupid.

I mean, by all means, ask it. Of course, the question is both silly -- when I can name almost all gay characters on TV off the top of my head, I'd say the general landscape is still pretty straight -- and offensive -- "Is TV too gay?" might as well be "Are you getting tired of seeing all those homos yet?" -- but I'm sure a news station has nothing better to spend its time and energy on.

May 04 11 - 1:40pm

Here's a novel idea: why not simply read the article before calling the writer an "extremist"? He called it stupid. That's about it.

May 04 11 - 2:09pm

Both of you are missing the point. To call them stupid is not the way to positively influence or educate anyone. Answering their question by explaining that there really is a portion of the population that is gay, and they should be represented on TV, is the correct response.

Please ask yourself this: When was the last time you won an argument by telling the other person that they are stupid? Never?

I would also go so far as saying that GLAAD’s predictable demands for apologies do little to educate the public. Perhaps that could better serve humanity by simply answering the question and provide real information that could cause an observing public to make thoughtful and informed decisions.

(notice that I said GLAAD serves humanity and not just gays and lesbians. That’s because education about the real world benefits us all.)

May 04 11 - 2:52pm

Who said this was an argument? Looks like commentary to me.

May 04 11 - 3:10pm

Sure, TLW, you don't win an argument by calling someone stupid. But you sure do look stupid by claiming the writer of the article said something they did not. YOU claimed the writer said that, "...they don’t have the right to even ask the question" and then you called him an extremist.

I am simply saying the writer never said that, and, if you read the article, you would see that.

May 04 11 - 5:02pm

We’re missing the point here again.

But before I explain, please let me offer an apology to James Brady Ryan, the author of the article. Please rest assured, Mr. Ryan, that it was not my intention to offend you. I am merely trying to promote an alternate approach to winning acceptance by the gay and lesbian community.

Anyway, history has shown us that a “them vs. us” attitude does little to build bridges of trust and acceptance. And as a straight man that can think for myself, and accept that our differences can enrich us if we will let them, I’m hoping that my comments might help to make a positive difference.

Everyone, I recognize that this is a touchy subject, and that our knee-jerk reaction is to bash anyone with an opinion that might sound a little different than our own. It might be beneficial, however, for all of us to take a lesson from the Civil Rights Movement of the 60’s. To my knowledge, Dr. Martin Luther King didn’t accomplish real change by calling people derogatory names or promoting separatist attitudes. And in those days, the NAACP didn’t demand apologies at the drop of a hat. It could be argued that they might now, but they did not back in the day when they made their most strident advances to educate a Nation torn by ignorance.

I simply believe that those lessons still apply today, and that the gay and lesbian communities can truly benefit from attempting to “win friends and influence people” to the point that they listen and learn we’re all part of the same humanity.

This Nation is still torn by ignorance. Let's do something "positive" to change that.

May 04 11 - 6:38pm

fucking faggots, all of you shut the fuck up already.

May 04 11 - 7:19pm

Thanks for making my point.

Was anyone, other than AL’s bunkmates, impressed by his insult?

Does his brand of alienation want you to consider his point of view?

May 04 11 - 7:21pm

Sorry about the poorly crafted sentence. I meant to say:
"Does his brand of alienation make you want to consider his point of view?"

May 05 11 - 3:52am

TLW, when you smugly point to trolls to help you prove your point about how mildly snarky commentary on a website is preventing the gays from finding tolerance and acceptance in the world, you look completely delusional.

May 05 11 - 12:52pm

nope, you still don’t get it. My point in my last entry was to illustrate that you are probably not too eager to consider AL’s point of view because of his insults. So, why would anyone from the society you want to be accepted by want to talk to YOU when you do the same?

When the gay and lesbian community throws insults (even mildly snarky insults) at the people they need to help educate, they distance themselves from that society just like their homophobic counterparts.

You can never be accepted as a viable member of society when you segregate yourself from it.

So, when someone gives you the opportunity to share the facts – do it! Do it even if you think their question might be “stupid”. But if your only response to opportunity is to tell the other person that they are stupid, don’t be surprised if they never listen to what you have to say.

To put it bluntly: When you insult the mainstream you wish to educate by calling them stupid, they see YOU as the troll!

May 05 11 - 1:02pm

Thanks, but no thanks. I neither need nor want to spend my life explaining and apologizing to straight people because a heteronormative culture thinks I'm the weird one. There's a reason I didn't go to grad school. Fucking educate yourself.

May 05 11 - 6:44pm

"Fucking educate yourself." Now there's insightful, thoughtful commentary.

@TLW - The truth is that on Hooksexup, people frequently "argue" by calling others names, making fun of them, etc. It's why the anti-bullying articles are so hypocritical.

A frequent poster - who claims to be a law school professor - actually argued that ad hominem arguments are justified when the topic is alleged racism. Amazing.

May 04 11 - 1:44pm

"You hear that, men? One moment you're watching Brothers & Sisters, the next you're on your knees at the nearest bathhouse."

This made me laugh out loud.

May 04 11 - 4:20pm
Edward SF

Did I miss the launch of the Gay Channel??

May 05 11 - 3:52am

...Apparently? It's called LOGO.

May 05 11 - 9:31am

And here! (Exclamation point theirs.) They both have issues, but one of them brought me RuPaul's Drag Race, so that's pretty spectacular.

May 05 11 - 11:31am

All I know is reading this article made me want to be drunk at work.

May 05 11 - 11:41am

Thinkywritey, if I can help you pound margaritas at your office, then my job is done here. Can I join you?

May 08 11 - 4:10am

Glee is completely too gay. And that fat chick is gross.

May 13 11 - 2:22pm

It's not too's not gay enough. The day that this topic of is (fill in the blank) too gay is not talked about THEN there will be equal rights. On television - there aren't gay commercials, gay talk shows, gay a regular practice. Gays aren't equal in that way. When we stop talking about SO-N-SO SHOW gay kiss!...THEN there will be equal rights for gays. Why shove straights hooking up and getting married and divorced and having affairs left and right as the norm?

May 25 11 - 8:56pm

HAHAAHAHAA wow. Me thinks the guy in white (way to white, kinda suspicious) protest to much. OKAY how long has television been brainwashing people to think that there is only one love, a man and a woman. A show shows two gay couples (that's about the only show that even has gay couples) that really isn't that big of a deal, and to tell the truth, we need more. Might as well teach kids at a young age that it isn't wrong. Stop being afraid of change, we cant live in the 1950's forever AND what about all toughs MILLIONS of gays that have never seen a show with gay couples. Homosexuality is NOT a choice, and you can not learn in from environment. there are countless people that no idea what homosexuality is and yet they like the same gender. and the 90% of aids or whatever i just have to say, REALLY its people like the way to white guy that make this happen, people that don't to teach gays to have sex with protection, we really are just starting to get there. people like him don't teach there kids how to have protected sex because they either don't care or they feel it would be to awkward. IF people would just get there heads out of there asses then we can finally move on and stop living in the past. oh and a little info for all toughs followers of "man shall not lye with another man as he does with woman" well listen to this, there is more in Leviticus passage thing. It says slavery is okay and if you get divorced then it is an act of adultery and is punishable by death. SO ALL OF YOU FOLLOWERS OF THE MAN AND MAN THING, ITS TIME TO FOLLOW THE OTHERS!

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May 02 12 - 8:22pm

I am heterosexual, and believe the church is a boys club for bigots. Period. But is TV too gay? When you show flamboyant gays, probably "yes." Is TV too hetero? If our population is indeed only about 10% gay, then it stands to reason that the media try to be representative of the people we are.

TV is using gays mainly for ratings in shock. The internet has a top-heavy amount of gay sites and culture represented on it. I have never seen as many cross dressers in my life. But they do NOT represent the average gay person.

May 02 12 - 8:31pm

It's all about shocking the audience, and thus for ratings. Has nothing to do with public service, or showcasing anyone in particular. The entire cast is played as if they "might" be gay. Not a masculine male anywhere.

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