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Oh hey, you guys, Community is coming back

Awesome news for all of y'all who wanted to Occupy NBC when Community went on hiatus a few months ago: creator Dan Harmon has just confirmed in a tweet that the show will be returning to the NBC Thursday night lineup on March 15. The show will continue its third season in its regular, 8 p.m. slot, against CBS' Big Bang Theory, followed by 30 Rock, The Office, and Up All Night

But as the saying goes (I think, maybe, kind of), every silver lining has a cloud, and in order to make way for Community, NBC execs are bumping Parks and Rec from the Thursday night lineup for five weeks. But never fear; Knope & Co. will be back April 19 in their regular time slot after Up All Night finishes its 24-episode run.

In addition to proclaiming the triumphant return of Community, NBC Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt released a statement today that also announced the premieres of two new mid-season comedies (Amanda Peet's Bent on March 21 and Best Friends Forever April 4), as well as the so-stupid-it-almost-has-to-be-genius geriatric comedic hidden-camera series Betty White: Off Their Rockers. All that aside, having been told by everyone and their mother that Community is the best show to air on television since Tony Soprano was just a fat little twinkle in David Chase's eye, I'm psyched that the show is coming back so I can finally tune in and see what all the fuss is about (and what the hell everyone is referring to when they use the name "Britta" as a verb). 

Tags Community NBC

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Feb 21 12 - 10:24pm

Watch from the beginning to really dig it. I hate it when people say that, but... Really.

Feb 21 12 - 10:52pm

Fuk that. I am still waiting for Arrested Development to come back.

Feb 22 12 - 12:58am
Sean Morrow

It is.

Feb 21 12 - 11:31pm

Bumping Parks and Rec? Unforgivable.

Feb 21 12 - 11:36pm

SERIOUSLY. I am going to be white knuckling it.

Feb 22 12 - 12:59am
Sean Morrow

Totally worth it, Community is worth 7 Park and Recs, in my book.

Feb 22 12 - 10:05am

And they say dreams don't come true!!!!!!!

Feb 22 12 - 10:13am


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