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NBC on the rocks after a series of low ratings and cancellations

NBC on the rocks after a series of low ratings and cancellations

Jack Donaghy best explained NBC's current pickle best when he said: "There are exciting times for NBC. Not Seinfeld…
Oh hey, you guys, <em>Community</em> is coming back

Oh hey, you guys, Community is coming back

Awesome news for all of y'all who wanted to Occupy NBC when Community went on hiatus a few months ago: creator Dan Harmon has just confirmed…
<em>Freaks and Geeks </em> creator Paul Feig is planning a new show

Freaks and Geeks creator Paul Feig is planning a new show

If you know anything about Paul Feig you know that he created Freaks and Geeks which is often called a "cult" hit, when it's really…
NBC tells Romney campaign to take ad featuring Tom Brokaw off the air

NBC tells Romney campaign to take ad featuring Tom Brokaw off the air

In case you missed it over the weekend, Mitt Romney is in big trouble with the liberal mainstream media NBC, thanks to the above campaign ad…
NBC developing <em>Office</em> spinoff starring Dwight Schrute

NBC developing Office spinoff starring Dwight Schrute

If you love The Office, but don't actually like all those annoying scenes that actually take place in an office, then this will bring a smile…
NBC comes predictably late to the vampire trend with Dracula drama

NBC comes predictably late to the vampire trend with Dracula drama

Jokes about how NBC just cannot get its shit together are pretty old hat right now, but it's hard not to make them when they just keep doing…
NBC sells out Super Bowl advertising

NBC sells out Super Bowl advertising

If you're an aspiring entrepreneur/Etsy store owner, and you planned on purchasing coveted Super Bowl ad time to promote your business , it…
Pat Robertson says Islamic fundamentalists wouldn't tolerate religious satire and neither should we

Pat Robertson says Islamic fundamentalists wouldn't tolerate religious satire and neither should we

In a twist that no one could have predicted, Saturday Night Live's recent sketch in which a laid-back Jesus visits the Denver Broncos' locker…
NBC planning 90-minute Betty White birthday special

NBC planning 90-minute Betty White birthday special

America's illest AARP member, Betty White, is turning 90 on January 17th, 2012, and NBC has decided to celebrate our favorite…
NBC orders new Sarah Silverman pilot

NBC orders new Sarah Silverman pilot

Well, here's some welcome news in these, the wretched days following NBC's idiotic decision to take the nerd-gasmic Community off the…
NBC producing a big celebration for Betty White's 90th birthday

NBC producing a big celebration for Betty White's 90th birthday

Betty White is having a career renaissance that is probably unparalleled in Hollywood history, and even if it's not at quite the same level…
People really don't like the ad campaign for "Whitney"

People really don't like the ad campaign for "Whitney"

Comedian and future TV star Whitney Cummings described her self-titled sitcom as "an edgier, updated version" of Mad About You…
NBC left "under God" out of pledge of allegiance, forced to apologize

NBC left "under God" out of pledge of allegiance, forced to apologize

    During coverage of the U.S. Open on Sunday, NBC edited the words "under God" out of its footage of the Pledge…