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Fading anti-gay marriage GOP candidate Rick Santorum, while being interviewed on New Hampshire radio station WGIR on Sunday, criticized an SNL skit over the weekend which showed him in a "crowded gay bar in the Castro district of San Francisco," as played by Andy Samberg. The premise of the sketch, which concerned an imaginary GOP debate on "Marriott TV," was that candidate seating would be based on the likelihood of winning the nomination. So with the real Santorum's poll numbers hovering between 1-3%, he was naturally in the boonies.

Asked about his humiliating portrayal on the show, which he admitted he hadn't watched, Santorum said he had been "hammered by the left" for "standing up for the traditional family." As a result of fake-Santorum being uncomfortably jostled as if it were gay night at the Roxbury, the real Santorum said, "The left, unfortunately, participates in bullying more than the right does. They say that they're tolerant, and they're anything but tolerant of people who disagree with them and support traditional values."

By now, we don't need to tell you about Santorum's problem with Dan Savage and Google, his opposition to the repeal of DADT, his bemoaning of gay soldiers who "shower with people," or his assertion at the Values Voter Summit earlier this month that traditional marriage is key to a successful economy. You know what Rick Santorum's all about. But with no chance of winning, why he stays in the race and exposes himself to the mockery of comedy sketch shows is beyond me. He should pack it in already, and go deal with his Marcus Bachmann-like repression issues far from the madding crowd.

Commentarium (36 Comments)

Oct 17 11 - 5:55pm

Why does he stay in? Because it pays to be the face of bigotry in this country. After the primaries start and his campaign runs out, he'll go on the lecture tour and cash in, a la Palin. His campaign keeps his face and rhetoric in front of the paying public.

BTW, he's not simply pro-DADT and anti-same-sex marriage -- there are lots of people who hold those positions, and while I disagree with them, they don't inspire the kind of visceral loathing in me that Santorum gets and deserves. He wants not simply to limit human rights, but to deny that gay people are human -- until he retracts and apologizes for analogizing sex between consenting adults of the same gender to bestiality, he deserves every moment of horrific vilification possible. At the risk of implicating Godwin's law, denial of a group's humanity is beyond the pale of politics; it is hate speech, pure and simple.

Oct 17 11 - 6:32pm

Profrobert, whenever you comment, I just smile. You have the best comments, and you make my day most days.

Oct 18 11 - 12:03pm

Thank you, that's very kind of you to say.

Oct 17 11 - 6:12pm

Well said profrobert.

Oct 17 11 - 7:02pm
Koch Bros.

Too bad he didn't compare gays to the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter, because then we could have all had a good laugh. Oh wait, that would be hate speech too, wouldn't it? But that's okay because HE started it, didn't he? And, prof robert, whenever someone asserts their view that being gay isn't natural, an argument is often made, in rebuttal, that homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom and is therefore natural. Sounds like the same argument to me.

Oct 17 11 - 7:35pm
Failed Trolling


Oct 17 11 - 11:27pm

Yes, because he started it, it is ok. You have to respond to inhumane a-holes in some fashion. Particularly when it's someone privileged who's attacking poorly treated minorities.

And how is it the same argument? Homosexuality IS natural. It may be a minority, it may be not evolutionarily beneficial, but it's certainly "natural".

Oct 17 11 - 11:46pm
Taking Bait're taking the troll bait of Hooksexup's resident conservatroll, who is a proud homophobe.

Oct 18 11 - 12:19am

It's the same argument because both sides use it. It's even the rationale used by Taking Bait here. He said that being gay is natural because it exists in the animal world. Nobody. Jumped all over him. You're a pussy if you are saying that the bigoted hate speech is okay because the other guy started it. That is usually reserved for 6 year olds and feebs like Taking Bait.

Oct 18 11 - 12:39am
Failed Trolling


Oct 18 11 - 12:49am
Failed Trolling

To give you some insight to "Koch. Bros" aka "comma": He called me an "idiots idot" on another thread. Too funny...

Oct 18 11 - 1:19am

You don't have a monopoly on using different nicknames. I'll call you an idiot's idiot here as well. Feel better now, idiot?

Oct 18 11 - 1:44am

Oh, look. The troll doesn't like being trolled. Awww.

Oct 18 11 - 11:44am

At least Santorum int a colored boy.

Oct 18 11 - 12:31pm

Homosexual isn't natural therefore it shouldn't be allowed, welp, I better move out and become a hunter-gatherer because electricity, prepared foods, and medicine aren't natural.

Oct 17 11 - 7:09pm

Fading? He's never polled more than 3%.

Oct 18 11 - 6:07am

Terri Schaivo, Terri Schaivo, Terri Schaivo.

Oct 18 11 - 11:25am

Who cares if it is natural? It really is besides the point. We live in society; most of the things we do have nothing to do with nature. Marriage surely isn't fucking natural; the likes of Santorum argue for it being a tradition, which shows again that they're making a social argument. Well social more evolve, and they live in the past. It's about as obvious as Santorum's chances to win are slim, and everybody knows that, including most young Republicans who are beyond caring about this bullshit stance. Here's to finally seeing that Santorum washed down the toilet.
As for the Dan Savage thing: why doesn't Santorum sue him, if he thinks he has a case? Because he'd much rather whine about it and about how the left is so mean to him. Well boohoo.

Oct 18 11 - 11:51am

Because it's destroying society. They should all be exiled to an island and then we should bomb the island.

Oct 18 11 - 12:35pm

@Idot Oh you

Oct 18 11 - 1:39pm

Electricity isn't natural but it does aid in the continuation of the species. Can't say that about fags can you?

Oct 18 11 - 1:58pm

The difference between what Santorum said and what Savage said is that when you insult someone by, say, calling them a piece of fecal matter, or a pig, or a moron, or something of that nature, no one thinks it is meant literally. It's rude, vulgar and offensive, but it does not suggest that the target is really a less-than-human [insert insulting epithet], merely that the person is a lousy human being. But Santorum is *literally* comparing gay sex to sex with an animal. He's not merely saying "Gay sex squicks me," or even, "Gays are gross pigs," or something simply insulting; he is literally denying the humanity of people who engage in homosexual conduct. So while Savage may or may not be an asshole (in the insulting sense, not in the sense of literally being a mass of puckered flesh), Santorum is much, much worse. Historically, the denial of a group's humanity has been a step toward legitimizing genocide. It is horrifically wrong.

Oct 18 11 - 1:37pm

Well, profrobert, you've finally missed the mark. I think that we will have to agree to disagree. Keep on keepin' on.

Oct 18 11 - 1:43pm

To a defender of bigotry, "agree to disagree" = I can't defend my ignorance or cruelty, but will continue to be ignorant and cruel.

Oct 18 11 - 2:55pm

Actually, it's a respect for profrobert. You, Defender, can take your stupidity and fuck yourself.

Oct 18 11 - 3:14pm
Self Copulation

No, the honor is yours, conservatroll. You are much better at it than I could ever be. I suppose you'll just "Keep on keepin' on"!

Oct 18 11 - 3:16pm
Internet Tough Guy

Better not mess with conservatroll or I'll try to insult you!

Oct 18 11 - 5:33pm

I'm not offended by @comma disagreeing with me, and I didn't read anything trollish in his/her comment. I'm genuinely curious as to what part you disagree with: Is it that you don't find Santorum's remarks dehumanizing, or that you do find Savage's actions dehumanizing, or both or something else?

Oct 18 11 - 8:03pm

They are both wrong and it doesn't matter who started it. A lot more people give credence to Savage which is why the Google results are what they are. But, yes, I equate both of their actions as being equally bullshit.

Oct 18 11 - 10:23pm

Thanks for the explanation. I understand and respect your view, but as you noted, we disagree.

Oct 18 11 - 10:58pm

@profrobert: "comma" is lying to you. He is a blatant homophobe and racist on many Hooksexup threads. He is incapable of logic, so I wouldn't waste your time with this bigot.

Oct 18 11 - 11:05pm

he already did. Watch out for people that do nothing all day except follow you around and troll your comments without taking a stab at comments of their own. It's like being stalked by Timmy from South Park.

Oct 19 11 - 12:16am

Except conservatrol never makes real comments, only baiting ones that involve racism or complaining about gays/Hooksexup writers. In other words...Failed Trolling!

Oct 19 11 - 1:13am

You do understand that the Timmy in question is retarded, don't you? Itsbgood to see you embrace your extra chromosome.

Oct 19 11 - 4:07am

I'm too retarded to realize I'm retarded! Can't you tell?

Oct 20 11 - 5:00pm

"You do understand that the Timmy in question is retarded, don't you? Itsbgood to see you embrace your extra chromosome."

"retarded"..?? 1980 called - it wants its backwards language back...

Now you say something

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