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Rick Santorum

Rick Santorum, officially announcing his candidacy for President of the United States in 2012, has said he's "in it to win it." There are only two problems: Santorum, obviously, is the first presidential candidate that's also an anal-sex byproduct, at least in the eyes of Google and just about half of the voting public. But also, it's pretty clear that he's "in it" to lose it. 

Like everyone else, the former Senator from Pennsylvania started by putting together a team to see if he had a chance. Unlike most other people, when they told him he had no chance in hell, he decided to barrel ahead. In a display of his sensitivity, he kicked off his campaign by rattling on about privatizing Medicare and Social Security — even though most of his party has recently realized how unpopular that opinion is and abandoned it. 

It's also striking that anyone would run with such long odds, given how crazily expensive the whole thing is. Mitt Romney spent $44 million dollars of his own money just on the primary when he last ran four years ago. Even if Santorum cheaps out and half-asses it, you've got to imagine he'll spend a cool $10 mil. That's a lot of money for such a man of the people. 

More About Rick Santorum

Comments ( 9 )

Jun 06 11 at 1:26 pm

Holy hell. I can't wait to hear tv reporters talk about his google problem.

Jun 06 11 at 1:47 pm

The Santorum problem is exactly the reason why he's running. He can't win. He knows he can't win. Maybe he thinks he can position himself to be a VP candidate, but I doubt it.

He's running to push the anal sex fluid definition of santorum down a few Google pages, if he can. Running for president might be the only way that happens. The alternative is knowing that he has ruined the name Santorum for himself and for every member of his family, probably forever.

Jun 06 11 at 3:11 pm

If that's why he's running, that's stupid. It's far too late for that. Even if it's no longer in the first page of Google results, it will always be what a good number of people think when they hear "santorum."

Jun 06 11 at 11:42 pm

Articles about the Santorum problem are still near the top of the search, even when they also cover the campaign. Google's algorithm must be favoring pages that mention "both" definitions. So it's not getting pushed down very quickly.

Jun 06 11 at 1:57 pm

Running santorum can be a big mess.

Jun 06 11 at 5:18 pm

I hear that after today's coming clean, Weiner may get behind Santorum?

Jun 07 11 at 4:26 pm

He's thrown his hat into the frothy mix!

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