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Before we get into this weirdness of these videos, it should be stated for the record that I believe even a small amount of support is still support. There are many people who regard these celebrity It Gets Better videos with a certain amount of wariness — and it's true, making a video could be a marketing move to make said celebrity look good. But there was a time, seriously not long ago, when this number of famous people would never speak out like this, so I'm not going to look a gift horse in its perfectly veneered mouth. (And there are much better targets to go after, anyway.)

That being said... if something is worth doing, it's worth doing well, cast of True Blood. Or even just passably? Because the crop of videos Alexander Skarsgard, Rutina Wesley, and Kristin Bauer just released are rough. Like, crying-in-public rough. Woke-up-at-a-bus-stop rough:

Kristin Bauer mostly gets a pass here, because at least she seems sincere and it's hard to tell a story while crying. Points docked, unfortunately, for comparing her acting career to the plight of LGBT teens. (Everyone thinks you're fabulous, Kristin. Believe it.)

How did this make it through?  "Good take, Alex! Strange pauses and word slip-ups are very big this year. And to think — you managed to do that whole thing without a script!"

The singing. The singing! I... I don't know.

Once again: thank you for your support, you guys. But if you really want to put your star power behind a cause, maybe have someone write up a little something to read over first?

Tags True Blood

Commentarium (9 Comments)

Jul 26 11 - 3:54pm

The point of the It Gets Better videos is for it to be from one person to another. they are themselves when making these videos, not the characters they play. yeah, they are not all perfect. but who knows? one homosexual kid could see the video of their favorite actor from their favorite tv show and really listen to the words that come out of their mouth and realize maybe one day, since the person they look up to says it, it could truly get better and it keeps them holding on. THAT is the point of these videos, NOT to have sites like this pull them apart because they aren't hollywood perfect. so please, stop adding to the bullshit and do some real reporting.

Jul 26 11 - 6:21pm

So thought and effort don't have to be put into it? I just don't buy that. I'm not saying these actors should have never made these videos - far from it. But the truth is, the sloppiness of Skarsgard and Wesley's videos makes them seem insincere. I doubt they are, but if they're doing this to try to save teens' lives -- which they are -- I don't see the problem in expecting them to try to come up with something that shows how much they care. Otherwise it feels like empty words.

Jul 30 11 - 4:39am

Dude, his first language isn't English. I make mistakes like that when speaking off the cuff and mine is. It's almost as if you can't handle an actor reading something that isn't scripted.

Jul 26 11 - 3:56pm

I can't even comment on how much of a whiny little dick you are Mr. Ryan. Where is your commercial for the it get's better project?

Jul 26 11 - 4:17pm

Oh please, gay people don't have to collapse in sobs of joy every time an opportunistic B-lister throws a vote their way -- especially ones working on a show as opportunistically gay as True Blood. That said, Kristin Bauer's seemed pretty sweet, just as a general "I almost killed myself, don't kill yourself," kind of thing. The others were embarrassing.

I wonder why Notable Bisexual Anna Paquin wasn't there.

Jul 26 11 - 6:38pm

Ok, Kristen's was a little lengthy but I don't think it was insincere.
As for Skarsgard, English isn't his native language, and no matter how fluent someone is, mistakes and pauses happen!
Rutina... the singing.. yeah, but the same as Kristen, she wasn't being insincere either.

They aren't perfect videos, but why should it be as scripted as the roles the play?
They're goofy, not perfect, and it takes a lot to be that vulnerable.
I'm sure the LGBT community appreciates the thought even if you don't.

Jul 26 11 - 8:22pm

Kristen's made tears spring to my eyes, Alex (lol I sound like I'm friends with him)'s was stern but honest in the same way Eric Northman acts around Sookie, and Rutina's was a bit odd and off-key, but still had its heart in the right place. I think Rutina's was the only one that could be misconstrued as insincere, with the weird singing and bounciness and wink combined with "You're Worth It" that made it come across like some bizarro L'Oreal ad. That said, I agree with the writer - making thees PSA's at all is one step forward, but making them meaningful enough for someone on the edge to connect to is the true point.

Jul 27 11 - 10:05am

I think I liked Alex's the best, frankly. It seemed spontaneous, which is the point, isn't it?

Aside: I am shocked SHOCKED! no one here has offered to remedy his "I don't have any children...yet" situation.

Jul 27 11 - 4:02pm

Honestly, I don't see what was so bad about them. The actors were just being themselves, without scripts, without all the flash and forced rah-rah that you usually see celebs deliver when they're trying to get through their contractual obligations of doing charity work. I thought they seemed vulnerable and genuine, and as someone who isn't in the spotlight, that's the sort of thing that appeals to me.

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