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For those of you who still watch Glee, I have a question: it's pretty obvious that every adult character on that show should be in jail for one reason or another, right? (Except maybe Will, if only because you can't put someone in jail just for being an idiot.)

And Gwyneth Paltrow's now recurring character, Holly Holiday, is no different, as this clip from tomorrow night's episode, "Sex," shows. Watch as she sings "Do You Wanna Touch Me?", caresses all her underage charges, and engages is some light chair dancing:

Really, Will Schuester? You think this Kidz Bop version of a True Blood orgy might be too much for a high-school classroom? Someone get this man a teacher-of-the-year award, stat. And which was Paltrow more (or less) successful at, readers: channeling Joan Jett or channeling Cee-Lo?

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Comments ( 9 )

Mar 07 11 at 1:58 pm

Definitely better at channeling Joan Jett. I think I was the only person who watches the show who hated her version of Fu--sorry--Forget You.

Mar 07 11 at 8:57 pm

I completely second that.

Mar 07 11 at 2:04 pm

Why CANĀ“T they put someone in jail just for being an idiot ?

Mar 07 11 at 2:56 pm

I'm I the only person in America who STILL doesn't watch this show? I like Gwyneth, but this was painful; I couldn't make it past 1:30.

Mar 07 11 at 3:19 pm

You're a stronger man then I, commenter, I tapped out at the 45 second mark.

Mar 07 11 at 3:50 pm


Mar 08 11 at 12:21 am

Glee has got to hold the record for the show to jump the shark the fastest

Mar 08 11 at 12:29 am

I realized the other day why I dislike - natch, hate - musicals. It's because they remind me of church. My hatred of theater people, however, I cannot explain.

Mar 08 11 at 10:04 am

This is made even sleazier given that the song that co-written by the pedophile Gary Glitter. Then again, implied sexual improprieties with minors by a woman is considered less reprehensible than a man.

However, on an artistic note, Asking Paltrow to channel Joan Jett like asking Justin Bieber to channel Lemmy Kilmister.

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