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Links: 19 stupid lies we've told people we've dated

Perhaps you've flashed a copy of Infinite Jest (or Lord of the Flies or One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish) on a date without actually having read the book just to boost your intellectual clout. And perhaps you want to know that others, too, have falsely Foster Wallace-dropped. There's no need to feel isolated, you pseudo-intellectual, you Foster Wallace-fake. There are articles even for posers like you...and I. 

If you're feeling particularly anti-organized-religion this week, consider borrowing some religion jokes from adenoidal yellow people. 

Ann Coulter posited that all pretty girls are conservatives. I have nothing to say. 

Slate successfully accomplishes the difficult task it set out for itself in claiming the interchangeability of "burrito" and "iPhone."

NPR blogger Linda Holmes pedantically gripes about the infantilization of Liz Lemon, to the detriment of viewers that just want to have a good time watching Liz maturely scrunching her nose in revulsion at the idea of s-e-x. 

For those of you that are tired of mourning Kim Jung Il, or prematurely (or not?) mourning Kim Jung Un, here's a new comedic romp of a dictatorship. Is it just me, or does my paranoia about being punk'd  in a Sacha Baron Cohen movie make EVERYONE, especially that guy on the right, look a little bit like Sacha Baron Cohen? 

Commentarium (3 Comments)

Feb 11 12 - 9:01am
Am I the only one?

Who is waiting the prototypical Hooksexup writer to establish his/her own style instead of simply reacting to others, particularly people with whom he/she disagrees?

Feb 13 12 - 12:16am

I could say the same about your comments.

Feb 13 12 - 10:14am

Most publications have a style that they expect writers to adhere to.

Now you say something

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