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In June, after New York became the sixth state to legalize gay marriage, a man named Lair Scott saw an opportunity and started a petition at with the goal of seeing Sesame Street's Bert and Ernie get married. After all, they're New York residents. The petition currently has over 3,000 signatures.

Speculation about Bert and Ernie's sexual orientation has existed for almost as long as the two have shared a basement apartment at 123 Sesame Street; in other words, about forty years now. The famously unibrowed and easily frustrated Bert and his more chipper chum have always shared the same bedroom and bathroom, but do sleep in separate beds. Sesame Workshop has made it clear that Muppet genitalia, and what is done with it, is not their province. They said in a statement:

"Bert and Ernie are best friends. They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves. Even though the Sesame Street Muppets... possess many human traits and characteristics, they have no sexual orientation."

While Mr. Scott's effort may be a noble one, the odds of Bert and Ernie being pronounced husband and husband are long indeed. Wishing it were so, or misinterpreting innocent gestures, is just not good enough. Besides, Bert has already recorded a song about his girlfriend called "I Want to Hold Your Ear," though that could be some kind of down-low maneuver. Still, Sesame Street has already introduced Latina and HIV-positive Muppets, so they shouldn't be accused of being behind the times.


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Comments ( 16 )

Aug 10 11 at 12:14 pm

As a child, I thought Bert and Ernie were brothers and I never really thought of them as adults. It would be strange to me to see them married.

Aug 10 11 at 1:20 pm

I'm gay, and of course am pro same-sex marriage; that being said, it would be a mistake to have Bert and Ernie get married. The fallout would not be worth it. Yeah, this makes me sound cowardly, but it would be wiser to introduce a new character who is gay rather than have B&E be a couple.

Aug 10 11 at 8:12 pm

It doesn't make you sound cowardly at all; you're recognizing that it's not correct to sexualize two puppets that children revere.

Aug 16 11 at 12:04 pm

I agree with you @Moops, in that it doesn't make you cowardly at all.

Aug 10 11 at 3:22 pm

Ernie could do better.

Aug 10 11 at 3:54 pm

How about a character who cheats on his wife? Or a couple who are in an open relationship? If we are going to teach tolerance, then let's cover all lifestyle choices and not just let gays corner the market.

Aug 10 11 at 8:14 pm

Yeah and maybe one who drinks too much and abuses his wife?

Or maybe we should let a couple of puppets that have entertained kids for decades to...continue to entertain kids while allowing them to remain kids.

Aug 10 11 at 4:33 pm
HipHop Hippo

I thought they were cousins growing up. :(

Aug 11 11 at 10:08 am

So? Most states in the US allow cousin marriage. And even those that don't still recognize cousin marriages from other states.

Aug 16 11 at 12:03 pm

So what exactly is your point there Moops? That even if they are cousins they should get married?? I agree with most of the comments on here.... There is no need to add a sexual connotation to Sesame Street... Equal rights for marriage doesn't mean that muppets have to be living in a homosexual relationship... and that would also mean that they may need to add to them to make them anatomically correct. I think it's just overkill to try to make something like that happen on a show for small children.

Aug 10 11 at 5:05 pm

I think Big Bird and Snuffalupagus are more gay than Bert and Ernie. Snuffie is clearly the bitch in that relationship.

Aug 11 11 at 12:11 am
Ernie gave Bert a BJ

Over 3000 people can't see the forest for the trees.

Aug 11 11 at 12:28 am

People, did you never pay attention? Bert and Ernie are COUSINS!!! Regardless of their sexual orientation, they were rooming together because they were family, saving cash and ensuring that they had a friend to talk to in the big city. (the Sesame Street kids' books from the 70's and 80's talk about this) I'm guessing there are still incest laws in NYC.

Aug 11 11 at 2:12 am

Aside from they're cousins, I have never considered them to in any way be sexual beings.

Aug 11 11 at 10:09 am

I suspect that the originator of the petition is Ernie's meddling mom, who has always been trying to get him to settle down and make an honest man out of Bert.

Aug 11 11 at 12:56 pm

I don't think even the petitioner takes it very seriously, but this is such a bad idea.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need attend to my pigeons.

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