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There's still so much media debris to sift through in the wake of Osama bin Laden's relatively sudden demise. Side-by-side comparisons show how newspapers responded by ripping up their front pages and getting to work on their historic new headlines. The internet did its own thing, creating silly GIFs and Tumblr-friendly memes. College students uploaded YouTube videos of themselves congregating in "flash mobs." And as BlackBook notes, porn stars registered their own reactions through that revolutionary porn-star-tracking tool, Twitter.

Joanna Angel, for instance, wrote, "I can’t think of anything witty to tweet about Osama. so I will just re tweet all the other good ones i see. #carryon." Alison Tyler either thought she did think of something witty or simply was being earnest when she tweeted, "Alright whoever killed Osama is getting a blow job!!” And Alana Evans interpreted the heavy news through the lens of The Wizard of Oz: “This is just like when the wicked witch of the east was killed and all the munchins [sic] celebrated! DING DONG OSAMAS DEAD!” 

This is just a small sampling — head over to BlackBook for more porn-star tweets pertaining to Osama's death.

Commentarium (5 Comments)

May 02 11 - 9:02pm
Revenant Shadow

Social commentary from porn stars? What's next,a bull-riding lizard?

May 03 11 - 10:37am

Sweet Jesus, that would be awesome!

May 02 11 - 9:22pm

FINALLY, now I know Joanna Angel's name. Been trying to figure that out for awhile.
Hooksexup, you do wonders. Told me that Osama died, and now this.

May 02 11 - 10:27pm

Who knew porn stars were funny? I think it's cute!

May 03 11 - 11:42am

who knew that sex workers were human, too? cute!

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