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Stephen King launching left-wing radio talk show

Author Stephen King, who has redefined prolific, is also a radio-station owner in Maine, and speaking at a press conference at his homebase in Bangor the other day, the Zone Radio Corp owner announced the launch, September 12, of a new drivetime talk show, The Pulse Morning Show, that will air six to ten a.m. on weekdays, as well as online at King said, "We're a little to the left, but we're right."

What sounds like Maine's own version of Air America will be hosted by former journalist and Green Party vice-presidential candidate Pat LaMarche, and former reporter Don Cookson. Judging by the press conference, LaMarche will do most of the talking, with Cookson occasionally chiming in. The show will have a humorous bent, and look to counterbalance the conservative leanings of other Maine stations. LaMarche said the show will have an eye towards politicians and public officials in Washington D.C. and Augusta who push around Mainers, especially regarding welfare recipients. 

Sounding like the folksy "Uncle Stevie" you know, King said "We'd like to burn some feet once in a while — make some people a little bit angry. There are some people who deserve to be taken to the woodshed from time to time." Summing up the mission, King told reporters, "We're going to try to be informative. We're going to be provocative. We're going to be amusing and we're going to try to be a positive community force."



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Comments ( 30 )

Aug 25 11 at 1:11 pm

Still waoting for Steve-o to voluntarily pay all those extra taxes he's so fond of advocating...

Aug 25 11 at 1:25 pm

Oh yeah, because taxes are on a voluntary basis. I'm still waiting for GWB, Dick Cheney and their ilk to go fight the wars they're so fond of starting. They could actually do that, if they wanted to, though Faceshooter probably couldn't pass the physical.

Aug 25 11 at 6:17 pm

And King couldn't pay extra taxes? How is Obama doing? Fighting those wars he promised to end? He even started another!

Aug 25 11 at 8:55 pm

Sure just as soon as Clinton or Obama send their children to the wars they've started!

Aug 25 11 at 9:14 pm

Or even to the schools they support. How strange is it that Obama ended the charter schools in DC to support the teachers and then sends the girls to Sidwell Friends?

Aug 26 11 at 10:34 am

Paying taxes above what you actually owe is entirely voluntary. Why do you think otherwise?

Aug 26 11 at 12:38 pm

Paying taxes above is voluntary, paying taxes isn't. Surprisingly enough, people only pay taxes when they have to. Wow. You made your point, I yield.
Maybe we should just have taxes at large be voluntary. Why not? Let's see who will give then.

Aug 25 11 at 5:00 pm

yes you can send a donation to the IRS over and above the taxes you owe the government.

So yes Steve-o can give more to the government to reduce the debt out of the goodness of his heart.

But then that takes the fun out of making everyone else pay.

Aug 25 11 at 6:23 pm

Exactly. You have to share the fun.
And by everyone else, I'm assuming you mean everyone else in his tax bracket. I drop a tear for all those oppressed people.

Aug 25 11 at 6:19 pm

Very true. My plan for reducing the deficit is to make it "easy" for people to pay above and beyond what the tax code determines they owe. We'll see how much "extra" money people like Obama part with.

I believe Arkansas did this several years ago in response to calls for increasing taxes. After six months, something like $20k was raised, something like $0.01 per AR resident.

Aug 29 11 at 12:18 pm

They should give you a tax break for overpaying your taxes to encourage it.

Aug 25 11 at 10:43 pm
Listen Err

"We're going to try to be informative. We're going to be provocative." Too bad they can't be definitely informative and possibly provocative. But that wouldn't sell ad time.

Aug 26 11 at 5:56 am

Three months. No longer. It will likely be as bad as Air America and probably even worse.

Aug 26 11 at 3:02 am
Hooksexup Conservatroll

*duhhhhh* OBAMA iznt 'MERICAN!! *puh pblthth* pray pray pray *ummmmm* sience is dumb! *errrrrrr* job creaters! *derp derp* voote Rik Parry moran!

Aug 26 11 at 5:57 am

Hooksexup - If we take donations, will you hurry with the sign-up system to prevent idiot trolls?

Aug 26 11 at 12:18 pm

Hooksexup, I'm getting sick of somebody (as anonymous as myself) exposing the sheer idiocy of conservative wingnut comments. Please create a sign up system so that nothing will change.

Aug 27 11 at 12:54 am

Nah, nah, nah, nah, goodbye, troll!

Aug 27 11 at 1:26 am

I'm looking in the mirror.

Aug 26 11 at 5:57 am

That should be: "If we MAKE donations..."

Aug 26 11 at 10:40 am

King is a talented fiction writer. Why would we expect him to have any insight of interest on political matters? Adding to the list: Alec Baldwin, Sean Penn, Jeaneane Garafolo and dozens more. My favorite, though, has to be Barbara Streisand (sp?), who didn't graduate from high school but can hit the high notes, so certain people listen to her every political utterance as if it's from the mouth of G-d.

Aug 26 11 at 12:16 pm

However, Palin doesn't factor into my list at all. Even though she is the GOP messiah.

Aug 26 11 at 9:51 pm

I speak for everyone here when I say that Hooksexup needs a sign up system that can exclude people who lack the basic social skills to be on the Internet. The moron troll that pretends to be everyone else, lacking the force of personality to be himself, must be a conservative troll. That's the only explanation for someone who portrays the left in such a negative light.

Aug 27 11 at 1:25 am

I think I speak for everyone here when I say that I lack the balls to expose and confront the idiocy and lack of logical principles running rampant in comments made by Hooksexup conservatrolls and associated Republitards. Therefore, I am the true moron, pretending to be somebody who has a spine. That is the only explanation for someone who is an apathetic coward while assuming to think everything is about right and left.

Aug 27 11 at 8:39 am

If there were any question, the Enough-troll makes a strong argument for a login system.

Aug 27 11 at 1:18 pm

If there were any question, the original Enough makes a weak argument for anything.

Aug 28 11 at 5:34 pm

Exactly, troll. Keep playing - it will make the day that situation is corrected occur sooner.

Aug 29 11 at 3:04 pm

Ooooh, so intimidating.

Aug 29 11 at 11:27 pm

...says the one who lacks the balls to be himself...

Aug 30 11 at 2:32 am

Says the one who's name is "Enough"!

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