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True, the internet wasn't quite so widely used in 1994. But that doesn't make it any less hilarious to hear Katie Couric and Bryant Gumbel ask what the internet even is, or how to verbalize "@," or hear a co-host describe the web as a "computer billboard." Remember that these are famous news people; it will be easier to laugh:

Okay, one legitimate question that, ironically, stems from the fact that I've more or less always known about the internet: didn't you definitely need a phone line to get online back in 1994? I waited more than a few times to get on AOL while cursing my phone line to know this. Someone more knowledgeable than I — help me out here.

Comments ( 4 )

You didn't need a phone line to get online in 1994 if you were connecting from a university, scientific research institution, military facility, Fortune 500, et al. They were the early adopters of one flavor or another of digital link: ISDN, T1, so on. Really any joe blow with the money and know-how could have gotten a private, digital circuit installed back then, it's just they weren't cheap nor simple to configure and maintain, so dial-up dominated the consumer market for many years.

tkm commented on Jan 31 11 at 12:19 pm

Bryant Gumbel is the same idiot who embarrassed an excited NASA employee live during the first ever closeups of Jupiter shot back by Pioneer saying 'do you really find this stuff exciting' in his condescending tone he does so well. He belongs up there with Barbara Wawa in the Pantheon of Faux-Journalists

AD commented on Jan 31 11 at 2:03 pm

Ah yes, those glory days when Bryant Gumbel would come to the today show directly from his off broadway appearances as an Oompa Loompa

TkD commented on Jan 31 11 at 5:59 pm

Whatever happened to Big G? Didn't he crash and burn?

Twolane commented on Feb 01 11 at 1:13 pm

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