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Today, in the latest "other countries' commercials are way cooler than ours" news, this Russian commercial for Burger King makes going to the fast-food franchise look like attending one of the nightlife hotspots described in SNL's Stefon sketches. It's got everything: dachshunds, swamis, hot chicks on unicorns, men in giant, terrifying ground beef masks, Aryan children in sweater vests, ballerinas dancing in fire, tattoo artists, burger-spinning DJs, hipster fry cooks, and a dude in a leather vest who may or may not be the guy from Right Said Fred. Also, a Double Whopper, which is that thing where two jacked midgets roll around in ketchup and pickle juice and have sex between two giant bags of flour, but apparently they can't show that on Russian television. Either way, if this ad doesn't make you want to immediately head to your nearest BK to pick up a bag of chicken fries, you are either the least fun person in the world or not nearly as susceptible to advertising tactics as I am. 

Commentarium (8 Comments)

Dec 10 11 - 10:42pm

You know, what's funny is, if this were to air here, I think American culture websites would be crowing about how silly it is to make Burger King look like a crazy nightclub.

Dec 10 11 - 11:39pm

Why do I feel like this is not really a commercial for Burger King?

Dec 11 11 - 12:59am

Wait... where was the midget sex?

Dec 11 11 - 1:58am

You're far more clever than many of the writers on SNL...LOVE THIS

Dec 11 11 - 12:22pm

I do sort of want a whopper... Or go dancing.

Dec 11 11 - 4:52pm

Translates as: The burger king is always open
Every day a party
All the boundaries are open
You can come on over
Get lit up with friends
The whopper blows the roof off
Look at it
Come up closer
You can't look away
You're in its power
The whopper sets on fire... fantasies and horrors

Dec 12 11 - 8:53am

Did anyone else see the vagina around the 25 sec mark? WTF?

Dec 23 11 - 7:20pm

And now for something completely different

Now you say something

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