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True Stories: Cleaving
by Julie Powell
The author of Julie & Julia on marriage, meat, and obsession.

Crying in Restaurants With Sarah Hepola
by Sarah Hepola
She's done it so many times.

Fall Harvest
by Mira Ptacin
Mid-recession, more women than ever are selling their eggs. But the money's not as easy as you'd think.

by Stacia J. N. Decker
My husband's heart surgery made him a new man.

Dealbreaker: The Self-Help Book
by Jen Kirkman
How DIY therapy can ruin dating.

Mutual of Omaha
by Rachel Shukert
In my Jewish Nebraskan youth group, they taught more than Hebrew.

True Stories: Three-Year Drought
by Mia Agnello
Last time made me a mom. This time made me panic.

True Stories: The Worst Photo Shoot of All Time
by Jennifer Albany
In retrospect, I should've stayed away from Craigslist's "Creative" section.

True Stories: Boobs to Die For
by Elisheva Wolfe
I love them, but at what cost?

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