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Male • 20 years old • Riverside

My friends from work were all a minimum of ten years older than I was, in their early to mid-thirties. Even though I was underage, I went to bars, drank, and had a good time with them. I was the little brother, if you will. They all were married, engaged, or at least dating. I was the only single one, as well as the only virgin.

It was a typical Friday in May. I was fast approaching my twenty-first. We were at our local watering hole when the subject turned to sex. For the most part, I stayed quiet, knowing that I had no authority to speak on such matters. I don't know what I said when I did decide to chime in; all I remember is the retort from my best friend: "You have no room to talk, you're a virgin."

That was it. I was tired of being that cute kid who'd never been laid. I was tired of just getting winks and blown kisses from women. It was time for me to get laid, damn it! Right then and there, I made my declaration: I was going to get laid before I turned twenty-one. My statement was met with some applause and a toast, and the mission was on.

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli

I didn't have to wait long. Not ten minutes later, one of the girls in our group — we'll call her "Sancha" — made her move. She was drunk, she was attracted to me, and she was not shy. On her way back from the bar to our table, Sancha walked up next to me, deftly sliding her hand into my pocket. "I can help you meet your goal," she whispered into my ear, before sneaking back to her chair. Reaching into my pocket, I dug out a piece of paper on which she'd written her phone number. I eyed her from my side of the table. She was thirty-five, extremely attractive, and willing to break me in.

Oh yeah, did I mention she was married? That didn't faze me. Her marriage was on the rocks, they were currently not living together, and she'd been by herself and lonely for three whole months. At least that's what she told me when I called her the next day. And I bought it. (What can I say? I was twenty years old, and thinking with the wrong head.) The following Wednesday, we all met up again at the bar. When we parted company, Sancha and I headed to my car. I opened the door for her and made my way around to the driver side.

Before I was even settled in my seat, Sancha made her move. She pulled me towards her and kissed me. A long, deep, passionate kiss. My first one. I didn't know what to do or how to respond. When she pulled back, I looked into her eyes. All of a sudden, I was in love. I was Sancha's knight in shining armor. No longer was I just going to have sex with her to reach some immature goal. I was going to love her, care for her, save her from her horrible marriage.

I took her home, holding her hand the entire way, kissing her at every red light. We made it to her living-room couch, and disrobed. She volunteered to be on top. She sat on my lap, and it happened. I was a virgin no more. When it was over, the look in her eyes turned from passion to pity.

"Not to worry," Sancha said, "it's only your first time. I promise not to tell anyone."

"Tell anyone about what?"

"That you lasted less than two minutes."

I began to blush, finally beginning to understand the situation.

"You should probably go home now. You reached your goal of getting laid before you turned twenty-one."

Sancha and I never hooked up again. I was just a one-night stand for a horny admin. But it was one night that I'll certainly never forget.

We're looking for stories about the first time you had sex. Email with 500-1000 words. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited.

Comments ( 16 )

Not really, no. The initial insertion is what I find hot. I could give a shit about what happens after the dude is done.

@RO commented on Nov 11 09 at 1:33 am

Dre, why don't you write about your first time?

FT commented on Nov 11 09 at 1:44 am

Pretty telling that a comment is more captivating than the story! I agree Dre, lets hear about some unique first times. Or celebrities?

NDO commented on Nov 10 09 at 4:53 pm

I like this just the way it is. "Hot" stories are fake and cheesy. Go read Penthouse forum for that nonsense. I like real, insightful, honest stories like the ones Hooksexup posts. What WAS your first time like Dre? I'm guessing not very hot.

upt commented on Nov 10 09 at 6:51 pm

dre i'm still laughing five minutes later after reading your comment

nr commented on Nov 10 09 at 8:42 pm

okay, so this 20-year old virgin came too quick on his first foray. Is there some reason she didn't want to go again, when he would've undoubtedly lasted longer? Isn't that what 20-year-olds are for? Waste of a perfectly good virgin, if ya ask me.

SG commented on Nov 10 09 at 11:09 pm

It was alright actually. I was 14. It was during youth group at my girl's church. Not that either of us were 'believers' but it was a place to go. I may have been stoned or a little drunk. We crept off upstairs and, after our abortive first attempt of a few days previous, I was sure to bring a condom. I remember her being much warmer inside than I expected, and the entry more difficult and constricted. I thrust for a about ten minutes and, in all my focus on myself, didn't realize how nervous she looked. Finally, and unexpectedly, her anxiety got the better of her; she grabbed my protruding hip bones and thrust down hard, pushing me out of her before I was done. 'I thought I heard someone coming' she said. It wasn't until days later that I finally got to finish, this time in a storm runoff tunnel under the school. That was blissful!

dre commented on Nov 11 09 at 12:34 am

Dre, you sound like an absolute tosser "Before I was done" Just about sums you up..

BP commented on Nov 11 09 at 7:06 am

I don't even know what that means, but thanks for sharing.

@bp commented on Nov 11 09 at 8:50 am

@dre It's British slang. Means you sound like a loser/asshole, basically.

EC commented on Nov 12 09 at 12:07 pm

Sorry I knew 'tosser' I just didn't understand the rest. What was 'before i was done" supposed to reveal about me? Sigh, and I remember when the Brits used to pride themselves on their literacy!

@ec commented on Nov 12 09 at 5:52 pm

Dre, he means that sex isn't just about you getting yours. Try and brighten up a bit before you insult someone else.

KC commented on Nov 12 09 at 8:22 pm

But if everyone did that Kc there wouldn't be enough insults to go around for all that deserved them.

NN commented on Nov 13 09 at 4:52 pm

Actually Dre's story was pretty nicely written and with good self-awareness. He should submit that to Hooksexup if he expanded a little.

dsaa commented on Nov 14 09 at 5:37 pm

Some of you need to stop having a hard-on about Dre - his tongue was obviously in his cheek, and he scored in arousing some of those who have no sense of humor.

GTO commented on Nov 15 09 at 9:50 pm


mm commented on Nov 19 09 at 2:17 am

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