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Female • 16 years old • Austin, TX

After my parents split up, I followed my dad to Austin, TX. It was the middle of my sophomore year in high school. I was adjusting to a new climate, and I hated it. I didn't have any friends — just one acquaintance from orientation. He tried to show me around, but I came back twice that week for another napkin map.

But he was kind, and took me into his life with ease. All of a sudden he had convinced me to take up guitar, and in exchange I would come out with him to the skatepark and take photos of him riding his bike. I became fast friends with everybody in his BMX crowd. Everyone had accepted me, and my social life had been repaired thanks to Darren. I wasn't as lonely.

Every week we'd bike over to the guitar store and smoke and jam.

Illustration by Thomas Pitilli

Darren's eyes were bright and innocent when we first met, but in the winter his light green eyes began lingering over mine. But neither of us were sure about breaching our boundary of respectful friendship. Months flew by, I remained blissfully ignorant about this rift in our friendship, and by spring I was lonely again.

On July 4th, Darren knocked on my door. I hadn't seen him in forever. He was taller, his hair had gotten longer, and there was stubble growing. He wasn't a sweet, innocent guy anymore — he was confident and masculine — but he still had that kindness. He was wearing a ridiculous American-flag t-shirt, which we argued over for a while, but all we were really doing was examining how we had changed, and how we felt a craving. It struck me he had never been inside my house. He smelled sweaty, and I thought I heard his stomach rumble.

Darren browsed the kitchen, but couldn't even find an unexpired can of food. I explained that my dad was an excellent cook, but he often wasn't around for weeks at a time. His reaction was startling: "Have you had anything to eat today?" he asked. I shook my head, and he dragged me back to his house. His mom, Shannon, was having a barbeque. Everyone was there. Shannon was like a second mother to me, because she took me in like a lost puppy. Finally, we were tired of socializing, stuffed with food, and watching fireworks explode and crackle. Shannon was playing a guitar solo somewhere in the house. I wished my life were that simple, and that sweet.

Darren didn't have a father. I forgot about that occassionally. His body inched towards mine, and his eyes were glazed over with a look I'd never seen before. "You can sleep here — Mom's okay with it. She loves you. She has pictures of you on her Myspace and everything." I giggled. They were a silly family, but I felt like I belonged with them both.

He let me shower there. And when I came back, I chose the hammock, because it seemed comfy and out of the way. But I woke up in Darren's bed, with his arms wrapped tightly around my chest. I gave a little jerk. "Shhh, go back to sleep." I couldn't protest. "You should have felt how cold you were. Even my mom agreed. And whenever you're alone or hungry or just want a hug, this is where we'll be." And at that he toppled over me and swooped down to my lips. He looked so happy and boyish that night, and for hours I was admired and adored and embraced. And I woke up to bacon and tofu for breakfast. Because Shannon is a vegan, and Darren has a typical boy's appetite.

Five years later, we're attending the university here. We graduate next year. Darren's eyes still manage to flicker with lust whenever they meet mine. Other than that, he's still that kind innocent boy on his bike, drinking soda and laughing and playing his guitar. We celebrated our anniversary on July 4th by playing our guitars and making love under the fireworks. I am never hungry, I am never alone, and I am never cold.

We're looking for stories about the first time you had sex. Email with 500-1000 words. (Don't worry, we won't print your name — but please do make sure to include your gender, where you were, and how old you were.) Submissions may be edited.

Comments ( 20 )

That was a really sweet story. Love it!

EE commented on Jan 12 10 at 1:10 pm

I really liked this story, it was heartwarming :)

RO commented on Jan 13 10 at 1:44 am

But all of these stories do have a strange element to them "But I woke up in Darren's bed, with his arms wrapped tightly around my chest. I gave a little jerk."

The writers need to put more of their own emotion into their writing.. about how they were maybe happy to wake up next to him, or she wanted to get in bed with him but she was shy so she chose the hammock.. Just something so they don't all sound so dominated and victimised.

RO commented on Jan 13 10 at 1:46 am

RO is spot on. The writing made the actual sex part sound a little creepy... like she's so lonely that she's just going along with whatever the guy wants. But maybe it was a little ambiguous... I think for women especially, the first time you have sex you're really facing down every message from society that's lodged in your inner being... you might want it, but you're not exactly supposed to want it. I think a lot of girls just let their first times happen to them since they're not quite sure how they feel about it. Then, once the first time is done with, everything is permissible.

huh commented on Jan 12 10 at 4:40 pm

Who is this "EC"? I want to party with EC!

MJ commented on Jan 12 10 at 5:25 pm

Please. Commenter claiming to be EC in the fourth comment. That joke got old about a month ago. Let it go. Everyone, seriously, let it go.

KS commented on Jan 12 10 at 7:42 pm

this brought a couple tears to my eyes - so incredibly sweet. i hope it keeps on working out :)

JC commented on Jan 13 10 at 2:14 am

loved it

cf commented on Jan 13 10 at 3:02 am


Cw commented on Jan 13 10 at 9:16 am

What's wrong with EC??? sweet story, if she felt fine being cared for, why was she raped? mmm I have been raped (if you understand being cared for as rape) several times, and I don t complain.

agd commented on Jan 13 10 at 9:38 am

KS - rape awareness never gets old. Please be sensitive to the victims of this horrible crime....such as the author of this story.

EC commented on Jan 13 10 at 11:24 am

did I miss something... like the whole First Time part?

gm commented on Jan 13 10 at 11:59 am

Boy, you people sure love to get offended.

jj commented on Jan 13 10 at 11:24 pm

The "joke" is that one of these earlier stories had a woman who said she was raped. Some people disagreed with her definition, and so now they're saying every story is.

RAM commented on Jan 14 10 at 12:51 am

No RAM, the joke is that EC thinks that any time two people have sex without the woman saying, "YES. I WILL VOLUNTARILY HAVE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE WITH YOU NOW" is rape.

LAME commented on Jan 14 10 at 11:33 am

...and what a hilarious, not at all played-out joke it is.

tmp commented on Jan 14 10 at 5:26 pm

Most women like to think that the magical moment just "happened"... like being swept up in the moment... like "I woke up in Darren's bed, with his arms wrapped tightly around my chest"... like "rape". This is why sexbots are the wave of the future.

ROD commented on Jan 18 10 at 1:05 pm

The best story I've read on Hooksexup to date. I can only hope my experiences with love will be as sweet.

JJ commented on Jan 20 10 at 4:06 pm

Am I the only one who missed the part where they had sex? He kisses her, admires her, embraces her... but never does sex come up.

R.M. commented on Feb 24 10 at 3:10 pm

Damn! ...what a story! ...true or not

zk commented on Mar 01 10 at 6:20 pm

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