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    Hardees Goes Balls Out With New Commercial


    Pretty much every phrase in the following Hardees commercial sounds filthy, except its conclusion: "Introducing Biscuit Holes with icing. They sound wrong, but taste so right." The unfortunate turns of phrase (variations containing "balls," "holes," and "sauce") are all names suggested for the fast food chain's new product, and as painful as they are to hear, some of them are still better than the no-frills name it's currently going by.

    We can't imagine this ad getting old after a few views.

    Think you can do better/worse? We suppose you can take that to for the chance to star in their next classy commercial.

    Commentarium (1 Comment)

    Jul 01 09 - 4:14pm

    That's pretty funny. And they look tasty, so I'm sure they're terrible for you.