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    While You Were Sleeping: The Woman With Two Vaginas


    The big story yesterday was the New York Times expose on a New Orleans hospital under Katrina. The feature runs for 18 online pages and cost the paper an estimated $40,000 to produce.

    The CEO of the Richmond SPCA, who mostly recently made headlines by attacking Michael Vick, is in the news again after her dog died of kidney failure while being kept in a car for four hours.

    A 26-year-old former fact-checker is the new managing editor of The New Yorker. There's hope for us all, in other words.

    Barack Obama was probably none-too-thrilled to find that the best intelligent defense of his Presidency (so far) came from the pen of Fidel Castro.

    And introducing the woman with two vaginas: "Suffering periods that lasted up to 21 days and finding sex difficult, Lauren Williams knew that something was wrong. The 28-year-old from Chingford, Essex, [England] was stunned to discover she had been born with a rare medical condition, which left her with two vaginas, two wombs and two cervixes." [Mid-Day]

    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Aug 28 09 - 9:58am

    Dead Ringers, anyone? "Gynecological instruments for mutant women"

    Aug 28 09 - 12:11pm

    Luke, I totally went exactly there! "Basically, this means...that you have been fucking a mutant!"

    Aug 31 09 - 8:53pm

    Gyno here. We see these anatomical differences pretty often. Why all the fuss?