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    You would think after years of being called every dirty name in the book, the Betty Page-esque Dita Von Teese would be used to the term "stripper." But the sexy burlesque pin-up still doesn't get why Americans still consider it such a bad thing. Though it does make us curious - do you all think there's a difference between taking your top off for money at a place called The Pussycat to a Kid Rock song, and taking your top off at The Box for a performance art piece?

    Said Teese during a recent appearance for her new book, Dita Stripteese:

    “I don’t mind being called [that] because that is what I do, but I don’t understand why there is such a taboo attached to it. Basically what I do is like an actress that has nude scenes in a movie, it's part of the role and its part of what my show is. It’s not really any different. I think it’s just too easy for people to criticize.”

    Von Teese also brought up the fact that for a performance style that started in this country, Americans sure seem to have major hang-ups about titty shows:

    “Burlesque as we know it and the great burlesque that was prevalent in America in the 30’s and 40’s in big theaters with big stars that were in the movies and on TV and wrote books. It’s shocking to imagine it is now 75 years later and people are still saying 'I don’t get it, she’s a stripper.'”

    So come on America, get with the program! Burlesque may be making a comeback, but we're still a long way to go before we can shake off our puritanical hang-ups and really embrace the show. Maybe if we could just see Teese's boobs one more time...

    Related: Dita Von Teese’s Super Hot Lesbian Photo Shoot From ‘99 Resurfaces

    Image: Dita Von Teese Won’t Model Her Own Lingerie

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    Commentarium (1 Comment)

    Dec 16 09 - 12:44pm

    Will we ever shake the puritanical hang-ups? Our nation was founded on it.