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    James Franco Hosts SNL Totally High, Or Something

    James Franco is a really funny guy. There is ample evidence of this, and the fact that he's egregiously attractive (and really smart) in a field where being handsome can hinder to your comedic ability, Franco has always remained an outlier, probably because he knows exactly how ridiculous the public's obsession with his looks are. In short, he's not afraid to play the dumb mimbo in order to get a laugh. But was there something, can we just ask, a little bit off about his performance on this weekend's Saturday Night Live?

    Let's compare and contrast: this is one of Franco's sketches from when he hosted the show last season-

    And then there was this weekend -

    Does Franco seem a little, I don't know, high or something? Definitely not all there, but maybe he was just half-assing it. After all, between school and General Hospital, the man's got a busy schedule. Watch the whole show here.

    Related: Why Was James Franco On General Hospital? Performance Art.

    Video: James Franco Loves His Gookie, And Is Basically The Best

    James Franco Still Funny, Mila Kunis Still Smokin'

    Comments ( 5 )

    Even if he was stoned, bless him for actually trying to be funny during a very tired episode of SNL.

    EL commented on Dec 21 09 at 12:20 pm

    High or not high, still hilarious and charming.

    Winnie commented on Dec 21 09 at 3:33 pm

    He's another one I don't think is all that attractive. It doesn't influence my opinion of him as an actor either way, but I don't find him all that appealing, physically.

    thinkywritey commented on Dec 22 09 at 12:46 pm

    why is this tagged as Brittany Murphy and Jonas Brothers? mmm, pageviews

    HN commented on Dec 28 09 at 4:02 am

    He definitely seems high. His eyes look so swollen compared to the clips where he looks normal. lol

    Jane commented on Jan 04 10 at 6:18 pm

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