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    Carly Fiorina's Political Attack Ad Is Old-School Bananas


    Demon sheep! DEMON SHEEP! Holy Christ, kill it with fire!

    At least, that was the message I got from this, besides the fact that Fiorina's ad team needs to be responsible for every political ad ever made in the future. The ad - which attacks her follow Republican Tom Campbell for being a fake fiscal conservative and a real possessed farm animal - starts out weird and then goes way off the reservation, ending up with a climactic scene that inspired me to start work on a horror movie about a serial killer who is also a furry (working title: Slaughter House). I won't spoil anymore for you. Just watch it:

    People of California, watch out: Tom Campbell will try and yiff with you.

    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Feb 03 10 - 6:31pm

    If you turn the sound off it looks like a David Lynch film.

    Feb 03 10 - 6:37pm

    well i don't know about yall, but i'm now convinced tom campbell is the antichrist

    Feb 03 10 - 9:05pm

    lol that sheep with the red eyes made me crack up

    Feb 03 10 - 9:30pm

    Sheep? I fucking hate sheep. My dad was a sheep farmer. He had literally hundreds of the fuckers. They smell bad, they carry ticks (I hate fucking ticks too, especially the really big ones), and their little pointy feet hurt like hell when they step on your toes. On the other hand, they taste nice when cooked properly (the sheep, silly, not the ticks).

    I think it's probably Fiorina who is the Antichrist, if that title hasn't already been reserved for Meg(alomaniac) Whitman.

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