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Hooksexup Announces "Win A Date With Jenny" Competition

A few weeks ago, one of Hooksexup's writers hit up a few bars and talked to some strangers, a weekly occurrence around here. That week, however, the piece and the photos had a strange effect. We noticed a few giggles and some dopey smiles. We saw that several computers started to share the same background image. The evidence mounted and mounted until it was undeniable: two of our young interns had fallen in love. Her name was Jenny, and she was from Philadelphia:


There was no doubt about it: spring is right around the corner, the birds are singing and the hormones flowing. As soon as we realized, we reacted like any group of mature, responsible adults would: we devised a reality-TV-style contest, in which our two interns would face off in a series of challenges to win a date with the fair maiden. So we tracked Jenny down, gave her a call, and after defending ourselves against a few stalking charges, got her to agree. She would judge the contest and go on a date with the winner.

We'll announce the contest details and results on Wednesday, but for now, please enjoy this little preview:

Comments ( 35 )

Whoever wins the contest is one lucky S.O.B.

JK commented on Mar 19 10 at 3:52 pm

I am so excited about this.

Dan commented on Mar 19 10 at 3:53 pm

man i can't wait to see the rest of this!

letsgomathias commented on Mar 19 10 at 3:54 pm

I want to win a date with jenny!

E commented on Mar 19 10 at 4:06 pm

Try 867.5309

Digits commented on Mar 19 10 at 4:54 pm

This? Awesome.

scooot commented on Mar 19 10 at 5:51 pm

Don't date boys with swoopy bangs, Jenny.

Joey commented on Mar 19 10 at 6:58 pm

Both pretty good dancers, both pretty good-looking. Too good for Jenny, who if I recall correctly is yucky.

PO commented on Mar 19 10 at 7:58 pm

Just the same, I can't wait for the contest and its inevitable (and hopefully metaphorical) afterbirth -- cuz I have a suspicion these dudes are both going to try (and likely succeed) giving her a facial (in public) and PERHAPS they are doing so ironically. Which, go go go!

PO commented on Mar 19 10 at 8:04 pm

I will be following with rapt attention. RAPT.

dentttt commented on Mar 19 10 at 8:50 pm

Man, why can't I be an intern at Hooksexup? :(

melysa martinez commented on Mar 20 10 at 1:59 am

If she doesn't pick Tyler - please send him to Chicago. I'll take him :)

My commented on Mar 21 10 at 3:08 am

@Digits: I'm probably the only reader here old enough to get that joke, but please know it was much appreciated.

ProfRobert commented on Mar 21 10 at 12:31 pm

old enough how old do u have to be to know pop culture

steve commented on Mar 21 10 at 3:36 pm

Why does Hooksexup have 30 year-old interns?

commented on Mar 21 10 at 3:38 pm

because they can!

commented on Mar 21 10 at 8:11 pm

<3 this! I'm going to have to go back and find out what kind of juicy things Jenny said to get these boys all flustered.

btw, profrobert I'm 22 and I know exactly what digits was singing

schweet commented on Mar 22 10 at 12:35 am

Can I propose a Win a Date with a Hooksexup Intern contest? I'll take either one, thanks.

Jessica commented on Mar 22 10 at 10:37 am

I didn't realize Tommy Tutone was so popular among people who weren't born when he recorded that song!

ProfRobert commented on Mar 22 10 at 11:21 am

The Irony Prof- the irony!!!!

RD commented on Mar 22 10 at 11:35 am

Why does PO have such hatred for Jenny? What did Jenny ever do to him/her? PO sucks

Pooh commented on Mar 22 10 at 3:32 pm

I don't hate her -- she hates herself! LOL read her comments ;P And she was in the notorious "ALL-FUGLY" Philly edition of TTS! hahaha yucky.

PO commented on Mar 22 10 at 6:28 pm

how meta

LMAO commented on Mar 22 10 at 6:37 pm

Really? This girl? Am I missing something here? This girl appears very also-ran. Not exactly the win-a-date-with material. Can someone enlighten me?

LB commented on Mar 22 10 at 7:05 pm

You people need to lighten up. Wait a few days before you reign judgment all over the land based on one damn photograph.

TwL commented on Mar 22 10 at 7:23 pm

And PO: the fact that you keep coming back to this page and commenting suggests something. Most likely you're jealous of these two interns and trying to hide it. Or maybe you're just sexually frustrated. I don't know. Whatever it is, you're a douche who only dislikes Jenny because she doesn't fit into your obese, one-eyed tranny fetish

TwL commented on Mar 22 10 at 7:37 pm

@TwL -- All due respect, but if she's better looking than this picture implies, shouldn't Hooksexup have run a better pic instead? Especially if they're going to run a competition around winning a date with her?

LB commented on Mar 22 10 at 8:10 pm

I don't know. Just think some people are brutally judgmental.

TwL commented on Mar 22 10 at 8:16 pm

How about you open it up to EVERYONE after intern gangbang!

Dr. Sidd commented on Mar 23 10 at 9:12 am

I'd like to win a date with Ryan.

Ellen P commented on Mar 23 10 at 10:35 am

I love these two. Can they come to Toronto and win a date with me? I'm awesome.

P.s: She's pretty. Leave the poor girl alone.

Zara commented on Mar 23 10 at 12:55 pm

Everybody drinking haterade. She is perfect.

commented on Mar 23 10 at 2:01 pm

That girl is super cute and her openness about sexuality is endearing.

commented on Mar 23 10 at 2:03 pm

@TwL, obviously you work at Hooksexup, and I've touched one. LB is right -- if she's good-looking there would be a better pic of her. And when you combine this with her nasty-ass commentary, yuck. And who wouldn't be jealous of manchildren Ryan and Tyler (of course they're named Ryan and Tyler... what, did you run out of Zachs?) -- they dress and dance awesome and they get to work with *you* :) And from the looks of thigs, one of them is about to catch a social disease.

PO commented on Mar 23 10 at 9:52 pm

personally I agree with PO. People trying to be "cool" and "open minded" sometimes translated it to having open legs and talking trashy ... whatever self expression and all. Luckily people can chose if that is the type of person they want to be with or not. Keep in mind it doesn't really matter what we think cause she's happy and whoever she chooses will be too.

s commented on Mar 24 10 at 1:03 am

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