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    In possibly the most anticlimactic news story ever, the crew currently filming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows, went out, got drunk, and left a 118-page tip on the table of the bar - the unseen and totally secret script for the film. A young woman found the script and turned it over to The Sun who...called up Warner Brothers and gave it back without saying a goddamn thing.

    Or, even worse, they said only that there were "several dramatic changes" from the book. Basically, something interesting happened, but we're not going to tell you what. It seems akin to finding a homemade sex tape featuring Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and the Pope and telling us that it "contains nudity," before politely returning it.

    And, since The Sun hardly seems above a little potentially-ruinous gossip, we have to wonder about the one-sided exchange between the paper and Warner Bros. Like, what kind of shady deal went down? Were there Death-Eaters? Did someone get paid a million dollars/a chance to kill the young boy that stands between him and immortality?

    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Apr 05 10 - 5:36pm

    Methinks we may see some exclusive publicity in the Sun from Warner Brothers for the next ten years.

    Apr 06 10 - 9:10am

    Spoiler Alert: Harry Potter blinded the horses because they saw him having sex.

    Jul 23 11 - 1:44pm

    I don't know who you wrote this for but you helped a bortehr out.