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    Ryan Reynold's Green Lantern Will Wear Only A CGI Suit

    This brings up some intriguing possibilities. According to a "source" at Warner Bros., the people in charge didn't want him to be in a "real" suit because the Green Lantern's abilities come from aliens, and so it should look alien. That means they're going the Dr. Manhattan route and Reynolds is only wearing a motion-capture suit on set.

    The suit is going to be an "extension of his power", which means it could look like any damn thing, probably. However, if you asked me what an "extension" of Ryan Reynold's "power" would look like, you'd end up with something like this:


    Done and done. No need to thank me, filmmakers.

    Via SlashFilm.

    Comments ( 2 )

    Apr 12 10 at 1:16 pm

    Haha. He looks the incredible hulk on a diet. And also going to a bondage club.

    Apr 12 10 at 5:44 pm

    The Incredible Twink?

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