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College Thong Thief Caught With Seventy-Nine Pairs

Now, technically, stealing is stealing, but for somethings, once or twice doesn't seem like a huge deal. Say, for instance, that you're a college guy who gets caught stealing a pair of women's underwear from the laundry room. Maybe you're just joking around, or it was a dare. Maybe you just really need to get laid. However, once you cross into multiple pairs per day for a matter of weeks, there's definitely something going on.

A nineteen-year-old Michigan State student was caught by police with seventy nine thongs in his dorm. He was busted after several students complained about him rifling through dryers in the campus laundry room.  To be honest, this probably happens anywhere between three and 187 times a year at most universities in the US, but rarely does it reach such epic pantie-raiding heights.  If enough of his victims get pissed, he could face criminal charges. If enough of them don't, he will still likely have a hard time finding a date, at least for the rest of the semester.

Comments ( 3 )

The man's name: Sisqo.

JK commented on Apr 19 10 at 3:34 pm

You know what they say: "There's no such thing as too many thongs."

Dan commented on Apr 19 10 at 3:38 pm

Stealing panties is a sex addiction? Yeah, right. I guess that'll be his swan thong. I knew a guy who used to tape the pubic hair of his women up on the wall just below the ceiling. He had quite a collection by the time he graduated.

Twolane commented on Apr 19 10 at 3:56 pm

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