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Hollywood Is Not That Into Your Boob Job

Thanks partly to the horror that is Heidi Montag, the world (or at least Hollywood, but that’s basically the same thing, right?) is turning against boob jobs. Apparently, the “the natural look” is the thing to aspire to (at least this news cycle, per Page Six). If you have implants, people in the biz might think you’re insecure, or (gasp!) that you have bad management. Across Hollywood, we hear, breast augmentations really have been steadily dropping, and some women who already have implants are getting them taken out.

I guess that’s good. Still, it’s kind of hilarious that the article goes on to list a handful of “small-cup beauties” — they’re not hard to find, since most women do not have implants — and notes that big breasts are still a “do,” as long as they’re real. Basically, don’t feel too bad, Kate Winslet.