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    Holy crap, Batman! There's a new menace out there terrorizing our youth and making them commit school shooting massacres and the menace goes by the name "nudity in comic books!" Yes, folks, the Liberal Media has spread its sexually transmitted disease far and wide, and now "naughty comic book series The Spectre" (this direct quote from a "news organization" is funny when you realize how tame The Spectre actually is, even by comic book standards) is ravaged by the naked plague.

    Check out these actual quotes from a local TV station's report on the widely-available issue that's ruining our nation:

    "Who knows how many others have been sold. A mom asked ABC 4 to take action after she bought a comic book package she thought was for kids ended up having a nudity and violence inside.

    I seen the naked lady and I got mad.” Ten year old Sheldyn Conley loves comic books but knew something was wrong when he opened “The Spectre.” He says, “I just turned the page and I seen the naked ladies so I handed it to a grownup and said, ‘Look at this.’"

    Emphasis is my own, of course. The real menace here, you Palinheads, ain't all them naked boobers, see, it's dem free government-run public education system we gots.


    Comments ( 3 )

    The (Silk) Spectre II would be proud.

    JK commented on Apr 21 10 at 12:43 pm

    My homestate is so weird........

    SR commented on Apr 21 10 at 1:54 pm

    Nice last sentence Brian but I am afraid half the readers didn't think there was anything wrong with the ten year old's grammar.

    jack commented on Apr 21 10 at 2:22 pm

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