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    It was for science, okay? A group of neuroscientists looked at scans of Mara Altman's brain while she was coming, as part of a study of female orgasms. The science behind all of this is incredibly cool (they’ve discovered that orgasms are natural pain blockers, for instance) and Altman’s article about the whole thing is very interesting, but let’s get to the point: She brought her hot pink dildo to the lab and masturbated while she was inside an MRI machine.

    The logistics of this are kind of insane. MRI machines are scarily loud. Altman was wearing a hospital gown, covered by a sheet — you know, for modesty — and earphones, so the scientists could talk to her. Her head was strapped down, because movement (including facial contortions) messes up the imaging. A very nice grad student squirted some lube in her hand before heading back to the control room. After Altman had been aimlessly touching herself for awhile, one of the scientists told her: “You have 10 minutes. Stimulate to orgasm." And she had to raise her hand outside the machine when it happened, so the scientists could look for changes in her brain right at that moment.

    I guess if you can come under these circumstances, you can do it anywhere?

    [And be sure to check out Hooksexup's interview with Mara Altman here.Ed.]

    Commentarium (12 Comments)

    Apr 22 10 - 3:19pm

    Next place: SPACE!

    Apr 22 10 - 4:14pm
    G Unit

    They tried this with a vibrator first, but then remember they have metal inside, and it went flying against the side of the machine.

    Apr 22 10 - 5:15pm

    And to think this is all going on right up the road from me...

    Seriously, though, aside from being interesting in its own right, this has some potential to help map the nervous system and learn a lot about pain and pleasure responses, which could lead to some breakthroughs in pain management.

    Apr 23 10 - 1:48am

    I'd bet money she faked it.

    Jan 08 12 - 11:15pm

    Lol, that cracked me up ^^

    Mar 24 12 - 10:35pm

    Why would she fake anything? Those instruments can do a lot of magical things.

    Apr 23 10 - 4:33am

    "The scientists were unable to detect any verifiable data, but felt good about themselves for trying."

    Nov 07 10 - 10:43am
    professional keygen

    hi man wazzup? I just wanted to say that my internet explorer is freezing when I try double click on the pics… are you using some non standard scripts or something?

    Jan 09 12 - 12:00am
    captain obvious

    why dont you stop using the most outdated browser in net history lol HTML5 is the reason you cant see. download firefox.

    Jan 09 12 - 11:52am

    The latest version of Internet Exploer *does* support HTML5. Try to use brain cells next time you post.

    Jan 09 12 - 11:53am


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