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MacGruber Nude Photos: The Craziest Promotional Ploy Ever?

Will Forte is a fearless comedian. When I interviewed him at South By Southwest in March, he seemed totally nonchalant about posing totally nude to promote his film MacGruber:

"I'm just as surprised as you are. We had just done the Super Bowl commercial and then somebody approached us with the idea of doing it and we said, 'You're crazy… but let's at least think about it.' Then the ideas started coming and we thought, why not, let's go for it.

"Why is it important? I don't know. Oh, you're spreading that? Oh, then I guess the question goes to you! I guess the answer is 'why not? What the hell?'"

Of course, we're kidding -- he wasn't talking about posing nude, he was talking about why anyone in their right mind would want to make a MacGruber movie.

But we didn't make up the nude shoot -- even though it's pretty obviously Photoshopped. Why else would Forte agree to do a bunch of full-frontal nude photos with such a tiny penis?

The whole NSFW and completely outrageous spread is here.

Comments ( 2 )

... why is this happening to my eyes?

Terron commented on May 19 10 at 3:58 pm

Hmm... obviously that's not his real... um, equipment. But it is nice to see a man who isn't sculpted and waxed into a caricature of a male person.

Lizbet commented on May 20 10 at 12:09 am

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