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The Lovers Who Got Engaged On Twitter Get Married

Twitter wedding

A Hawaiian couple got married this week after meeting in person, courting over Twitter, and getting engaged through the social networking service.

Their wedding even became a Tweet-up:

About 75 people attended the gathering at the open air amphitheater for the sunset wedding. Friends of friends helped to live stream the affair so the groom’s family across the mainland could share in the couple’s special day.

Many guests who were friends on line were finally able to mingle and meet in person at the informal wedding ceremony and reception.

“I have known them on Twitter for a long time, but this is the first time I am meeting them face to face,” said Ed Morita, a guest at the party. [KITV]

Wait, they streamed the ceremony across the way so the groom's family could watch? Wow, we've finally found people lazier than those who spend their time on Twitter.

Suppose there's nothing left but for a couple that actually met on Twitter to get married IRL.

Image via this YouTube video of the ceremony.

Comments ( 4 )

marriage 3.0 is here and it's kinda scary. children today are going to grow up to be such f*d up weirdos with no sex skills
chap commented on Jul 09 10 at 2:06 pm
Yes, but did they wait to cyber until after they were married IRL?
Meh commented on Jul 09 10 at 2:19 pm
all marriage is scary
noodles commented on Jul 09 10 at 3:06 pm
Can you really fall in love in 140 characters or less?
ef commented on Jul 10 10 at 6:22 pm

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