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    Mad Men's Christina Hendricks

    The sexiness of Christina Hendricks is a force of nature. In this clip, she turns a seasoned reporter into a blob of blubbering goo by talking about taking a bath.


    A cool new tumblr is making art out of CAPTCHA text, in a graphically satisfying attempt to make sense out of phrases like "Finally Leopard" and "Word Legros" that have become a part of our internet lives.

    Unfortunately, I just heard that someone was planning to write a children's book about Sarah Palin. Fortunately, I also just heard that it's been postponed indefinitely.

    Every day I like to watch one bit of random, web-specific prettiness. This slow-motion video of an explosion is today's.

    And finally, yesterday we found out that there "Seven Keymasters" with the power to restart the internet, should it ever, you know, break. (Around here, we operate on the assumption that it won't). Who would you want to have the keys?


    Commentarium (3 Comments)

    Jul 29 10 - 7:13pm

    She's got the worst scoliosis

    Jul 30 10 - 2:43am

    She seems nicer than her t.v. character in the interview, but still really girly and boring.

    Jul 30 10 - 7:36am
    robert paulsen

    her voice always surprises me coming from that figure, which is probably the worst kind of sexism.