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    Gaea the vaginal beaver

    Remember Gaea, the beaver sculpture that people in Bemidji, Minnesota were upset about because it involves a beaver? Actually, it's the other beaver they're upset about -- the part of Deborah Davis' famous public sculpture that looks like a human vagina.

    For months now, Davis has stated that it's not a beaver (no, the other kind) but "a celebration of womanhood that depicts a human rising from a bed of roses on the belly of the beaver." Certainly that is one interpretation, but it's still a vagina, isn't it?

    Regardless, a woman posted on the Gaea Facebook fan page on Wednesday: "Just walked by and saw that someone has spray painted over the "Objectionable" depiction. How sad. I just don't understand. I hope that the spray paint can be removed." As of today, it hasn't been, and Gaea is severly damaged, probably by the same nitwits who asked that it be taken down... because female nudity is gross, obviously.

    City Manager John Chattin response to the piece in July, after fielding complaints, was to censor Gaea, removing her from public view. An outcry followed, as well as a city council special session. The beaver's fans won the day and the sculpture was returned to the street -- with a procession. [City Pages]

    That procession was filmed in glorious football slow-mo and posted to YouTube. Check it out here, although skip to about 1:30 if you don't want to just keep watching people walk down the street.

    Via City Pages.


    Commentarium (4 Comments)

    Aug 06 10 - 10:11am

    Somebody put up a vagina-looking sculpture in a Minnesota town and people got upset? Shocking.

    Aug 06 10 - 10:20am

    To be fair, the beaver is probably just as unhappy to be in Minnesota.

    Aug 06 10 - 1:24pm

    So first you stole basketball from Canada and now you steal the beaver as icon...fucking Americans and your sense of entitlement.

    Aug 11 10 - 10:22am

    Seriously Davis - GROW UP!