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Kindles infested with virus known as "pornography"

Watchmen Kindle porn

What is the point of the Kindle? You pay $200 to read a book on a computer, paying almost the same price you would pay if you would just buy the lightweight paperback, which fits just as well in your purse? Well, according to this Newser piece, you buy Kindles because you want to read "erotic fiction."

Pornographic literature is creeping up the bestseller list -- and almost none of it has anything to do with Twilight.

Take Compromising Positions, about an "international fitness company" executive who gets more than he bargained for when he agrees to help a friend demonstrate Kama Sutra positions for her yoga class—you get the picture. It's not so much porn as a typical romance novel, a genre that often has explicit scenes, and it's doing well because its publisher is using the e-reader trick of temporarily giving away free downloads.

But racier titles are on the list—again because they're giveaways or near giveaways—that further blur the line into porn. This is bound to catch up with Amazon... [Newser]

It's always amusing how, each time a new piece of technology hits the market -- such as the iPhone or, you know, the internet -- analysts and observers are always surprised that people just want to look at porn on it.

Comments ( 6 )

And there's the advantage of being able to read that porn in public without having a give-away book cover.

I would totally buy more porn literature if they didn't have such awful and obvious titles.

Shannon commented on Oct 04 10 at 4:54 pm

What's so obvious about Muff Diving Miss Daisy?

bearman33 commented on Oct 04 10 at 5:56 pm

you could read pornographic novels on the iPad instead of a Kindle, but everyone knows it's classier in black-and-white

Matt commented on Oct 04 10 at 9:21 pm

Just amazing.

Noh commented on Oct 04 10 at 10:30 pm

You'll only find over 50 titles of romance novels on my e-reader. So I sometimes like to read the novels in public without being obvious.

Min commented on Oct 05 10 at 12:28 am


And there's the advantage of being able to read that porn in public without having a give-away book cover. I would totally buy more porn literature if they didn't have such awful and obvious titles.*

Japanese book stores (like Kinokuniya) are nice enough to put a store-brand paper-wrap around your books when you check out. That way you can read on the subway without anyone being the wiser. Oh and plus, it's free advertising for the company.

Kogo commented on Oct 05 10 at 10:11 am

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