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Show Me Your Boobs business sign in Florida

A Florida fencing business, long known for putting up controversial and often idiotic messages to draw attention to itself, has done it again. This time, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, they're asking -- what else? -- that you stop at their breast inspection site (read: fence company) and to "please have 'em out" ahead of time. And this isn't even close to their most eye-catching effort: 

During the past few years those messages have included jokes about dead handicapped people — just a short distance from a school that serves handicapped children; jokes about killing ex-wives during Domestic Violence Awareness Month; and a notation about President Barack Obama moving into the White House from the ghetto. [Ocala]

Although the owner makes it clear he is only posting such signs to drum up business (or at least get a laugh), he is still, it's clear, a dickhead. You'll note that I didn't use the name of his operation in any of the above text, so as not to be responsible for drawing any Google hits his way. (Sure, you can look at the photo above to learn the name of the business, but even if you love the breast inspection gag, please don't encourage this kind of behavior.)

Commentarium (6 Comments)

Oct 06 10 - 9:12am

The poor guy is trying so hard to remain abreast of things and all he gets for his efforts is verbal abuse.

Oct 06 10 - 9:16am

I bet Leno has included this sign in one of his bits before. If I didn't know better Twolane, I would have sworn you were intending a pun there.

Oct 06 10 - 10:05am

I wonder how the Good Guys auto service people feel about this.

Oct 06 10 - 10:07am

That sign is the tits. What a bunch of boobs. (puns courtesy of unoriginality)

Oct 06 10 - 10:37am

I wonder how they observed Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (September)?

Oct 06 10 - 10:41am

'Gotta Love Them Rednecks' - and humble, too