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A Sex Toy with Teeth


It's Halloween and ghouls and ghosts pervade every facet of our world. Department store windows, offices, television, and sex toys.

Yes, I said sex toys.

Fleshlight just released a vampiric version of their male masturbation tool called Succu Dry. It's a Fleshlight with a fanged mouth.


So if you've got a hard-on for "True Blood," this sex toy "begs you to drive your wooden stake deep inside." (That's a line from their marketing. Amazing.)

Once you make it past the fangs, this Fleshlight has a different inner texture  with dozens of stimulating "fangs" to add some bite to the old in-out, in-out.

My question is, who would want to simulate getting a blowjob from a vampire?


Hmm. I rescind my previous statement.

[$45, Fleshlight]

[via Gizmodo]

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