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Illinois congressional candidate Art Jones shares unique perspective on the Holocaust

Illinois congressional candidate Art Jones shares unique perspective on the Holocaust

Republican congressional candidate Arthur Jones, who is running in Illinois' third congressional district for the state's upcoming…
Capitol Words lets you see how Congress talks

Capitol Words lets you see how Congress talks

Capitol Words is a website run by the Sunlight Foundation that lets you search the Congressional Record for specific phrases and words going…
Proposed defense spending cuts will "invite aggression," Defense Secretary warns

Proposed defense spending cuts will "invite aggression," Defense Secretary warns

C-SPAN has set the bar pretty low, but it looks like the deficit Super Committee might actually be doing something interesting. Like, West Wing…
John McCain shoots down Super Congress provisions

John McCain shoots down Super Congress provisions

Remember all that flack about the "Super Congress" or "supercommittee" or "Totally Bitchin' Group of Job-Makin'…
Apple fights to protect apps that help drunk drivers avoid the police

Apple fights to protect apps that help drunk drivers avoid the police

Apple's App Store is protected like Ted Nugent's guns — the company has axed apps that displayed profane tweets, political…