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Valentine's Day

6 Stories About Awful Valentine's Days

6 Stories About Awful Valentine's Days

Any film with the line "ass to ass" is not suitable for Valentine's Day.
Japanese women give male co-workers "obligation chocolate" on Valentine's Day

Japanese women give male co-workers "obligation chocolate" on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day in Japan is celebrated a little bit differently than here in the United States, as women present chocolates to male…
Valentine's Day infograph charts how bad your gift is

Valentine's Day infograph charts how bad your gift is

You know what we need, boys? A handy guide of what to do — and what not to do — for Valentine's Day. Because us males, ugh, we're…
Viagra prescriptions skyrocket the week before Valentine's Day

Viagra prescriptions skyrocket the week before Valentine's Day

New research from pharmaceutical data provider Wolters Kluwer Pharma Solutions shows that during the week prior to Valentine's Day of 2010…
Victoria's Secret releases "Valentine Do's and Don'ts" video

Victoria's Secret releases "Valentine Do's and Don'ts" video

"Don't sit at home and cry if you don't have a date," says Victoria's Secret's "Valentine Do's and…
You're getting an anatomically correct edible heart for Valentine's Day

You're getting an anatomically correct edible heart for Valentine's Day

I'm probably not kidding, as these novelty treats seem to be all the rage. Some weeks ago, David Klein — a crazy man who founded the…