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Michelle, 21

What's the best way to hit on an American Apparel employee?
Ask them where her where she got her outfit. Tell her you really like it. 

What's the best reason to date an American Apparel employee?
They're clean and have symmetrical faces.
Do you wear American Apparel underwear when you're trying to get laid?  Do people think it's cute?
Yes. I wear the boy briefs. I also leave them in piles around my apartment for dramatic effect.

I've always wanted to have sex in a dressing room at a store. Any tips?
Go to a store where the dressing rooms have doors instead of curtains. 

I'm debating grooming options for fall. What do you think: full-bush, landing-strip, or Brazilian? 
Meet me in the bushes, baby 

I really like this guy in my office, but it's hard to find a way to approach him at work. Can I ask him out via email, or is that lame by definition?
You should be direct. Video-chat him via Gmail.  

I just got a girl's phone number and I'm nervous about asking her out. Should I call or text her?
Call her, but refer to it as wanting to ring her. It sounds more charming and British.

I found my boyfriend in pictures with a bunch of other girls on a party photographer's website. Should I confront him about it, or play it cool?
Let him be glam. You don't need to worry unless he tagged himself by name. 

Comments ( 25 )

Remind me not to go to American Apparel.

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 12:25 am

I have a feeling that Michelle was being completely sarcastic throughout the entire interview lol. And she has crazy girlfriend eyes.

brina commented on Sep 24 10 at 12:34 am

Yeah, and with the washed out photo and suspenders, she looks American Gothic goth.

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 12:38 am

Looking at Rosie Cherry's blog, she seems to be carried away with her art history classes.

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 12:39 am

The asian chick in the main photo so horny, she looks like a horny superhero.

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 12:41 am

omfg is this supposed to be good advice?:
"Relax and have sex. The more you see each other, the better the chances are he'll start to really care about you."
Recipe for disaster.

muriela commented on Sep 24 10 at 1:12 am

Yeah it sounds like advice to a rape victim from a rapist.

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 1:36 am

The girl in the first picture should clean her mirror. Windex + newspaper = a world of wonders, lady.

Dee commented on Sep 24 10 at 3:43 am

Michelle is a terrible person. James is my new bestie.

Joe commented on Sep 24 10 at 9:52 am

Are you kidding me?

jh commented on Sep 24 10 at 10:38 am

I guess the dirty mirror makes it more "arty."

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 11:21 am

I'm surprised that the girls are bigger arseholes than the girls.

Anon commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:02 pm

Kelly needs a reality slap in the face, I'm in love with Michelle and her crazy girlfriend eyes, and James seems like the only relatively sane one.

snm commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:17 pm

Anon - what do you mean by "I'm surprised that the girls are bigger arseholes than the girls." ???

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:23 pm

snm - why does Kelly need a reality slap in the face?

bearman33 commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:24 pm

American Apparel claims they don't hire based on looks, yet all three of these people are way hotter than the average retail employee.

Protest all you want, AA, I know an "appearance based hiring policy" when I see one...

marina commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:32 pm

If Michelle's seriously for the full bush then she's all right.

JU commented on Sep 24 10 at 2:41 pm

I hate AA--Marketing gimmicks do not equal fashion. James seems cool though.

ms commented on Sep 24 10 at 3:10 pm

I thought AA was going out of business. Where will these underfed spandexed girls work?

Sudsy commented on Sep 24 10 at 3:56 pm

Ugh, punch me if I start taking sex advice from 20 year old hipsters who advertise their blogs.

mer commented on Sep 24 10 at 6:50 pm

"charming and British" = pretentious asshole.
Unless you actually ARE charming and British.

zzz commented on Sep 24 10 at 7:27 pm

"The more you see each other, the better the chances are he'll start to really care about you."


Shannon commented on Sep 25 10 at 1:05 am

We're clean, witty and take the worst fucking pictures in the world. WTF... are they too stupid, cheap or arrogant to hire a pro shooter?

cg commented on Sep 25 10 at 6:44 am

Dude no way man that is just WAY too cool!

Jo Manny commented on Sep 25 10 at 10:36 am


Renee commented on Sep 26 10 at 4:50 pm

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